Winner In:
Best Scholastic Esports Solution K-20
NASEF, the North American Scholastic Esports Federation, is a nonprofit philanthropically developed free competition and learning platform utilizing state-approved high school, CTE and middle school curricula using esports to help students connect their �play with purpose� . The program develops their 21st Century Skills in communication, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving, all while creating articulated career pathways in STEAM and other careers. Its STEAM-based and skills development curricula are tied to not only NGSS, ISTE, CTE, and Common Core standards, but also to the CASEL’s social and emotional learning standards. NASEF provides its research-based platform, professional development, and the competitions to create a holistic approach to gaming at no charge to increase access and equity to STEAM-based careers that fit within and transcend the field of esports for the most disenfranchised, underserved students. NASEF�s success is directly attributable to connecting students interest in play/gaming with learning the ecosystem surrounding thereby allowing them to apply skills that are relevant to a broad range of careers. NASEF has created a global community that fosters social connections, innovation and entrepreneurial activity, meaningfully engaging youth to find their pathway to thrive. NASEF supports teams in over 1,000 schools across all 50 states with over 10,000 participants, while NASEF’s international partnerships expand opportunities for building global competencies and opportunities as well. To learn more please visit