Winner In:
Best Advanced Science Instructional Solution
Experience Chemistry is a phenomena-driven high school program that gets students to investigate real, compelling observances in the natural world through the science of doing. Meeting Next Generation Science Standards, the brand-new curriculum focuses on the student experience and takes a bold approach to teaching chemistry, in the classroom or remotely. The program offers flexibility by providing a wide variety of activities — from modeling to inquiry labs, data analysis to virtual reality, and more — allowing teachers to make instructional decisions based on their students’ diverse learning styles and abilities.
Accessible on the Savvas Realize LMS, Experience Chemistry gives teachers the flexibility to teach chemistry from anywhere, with state-of-the-art lab experiments for classroom use and virtual labs for online use. Teachers can seamlessly shift between classroom and remote-learning curriculum with the click of a button. Exciting, student-centered interactives include the Student Experience Notebook eText, animations, tutorial videos and Virtual Reality 360º Lab Simulations. An exclusive partnership with Flinn Scientific brings high-quality inquiry labs, lab videos, and performance-based assessments to the curriculum. By providing engaging lab experiments, digital activities and personalized learning experiences, Experience Chemistry challenges and excites students with scientific phenomena that make them explore, question, and discover the hows and whys of chemistry.