Winner In:
               Best Healthcare Technology Solution

Forcura gives home healthcare, hospice and rehabilitative therapy providers control over the referral and orders management processes through a suite of cloud-based tools that centralizes and digitizes documents, streamlines workflows, facilitates secure clinical communications, and enables data-driven decisions. The Forcura solution makes patient care safer as people transition from one care setting to the next. Our core product offering, Forcura Workflow, is a cloud-based software solution that digitizes and centralizes referral and orders documentation in one location. Users can annotate, label, and track documentation, then sync data to integrated electronic health record systems (EHRs) with a click. Users know at any time what documentation is in process, outstanding or completed, making their operations more transparent, and their financials more predictable. It also helps clinical staff be as efficient as possible by ensuring that the patient information they need most is where it needs to be and available to those who need it. In 2020, the Forcura Workflow product was updated with three important new features: 1. Analytics – an integrated platform of business intelligence reports and drill-down data that enables clients to assess at a glance key referrals and orders management indicators, as well as staff performance metrics. With Analytics, clients can monitor the health of their operations, isolate workflow-related areas that require action, and easily prove the value of Forcura within their organization. 2. Referral Automation with IQ – Using artificial intelligence, new referral documents are immediately identified, classified and diverted to a priority work queue. Patient demographic information is automatically indexed, can be matched to existing patient records and a new patient record can be created if no existing patient is identified. This IQ feature saves most clients over two hours of manual work, enabling them to accept and onboard new patients faster and reduces keying errors which could delay patient care. 3. Provider dashboard with follow-up tracking – Our home healthcare, hospice and rehab therapy clients depend on external physicians to approve care plans, and physician signatures are required for billing (otherwise our clients cannot get paid). This feature enables clients to track all contact attempts with these physicians, make notes on the status of outstanding documents, and improves their efficiencies by eliminating duplicate efforts. External physicians benefit from our clients’ more streamlined communications. And our clients can more easily hit their billing targets.