Wellbeing, Hybrid Events, Storytelling and the Bee Gees: What’s In and Out for 2021

It has been a challenging year, to say the least. But that just could make our annual What’s IN and What’s OUT in Niche Publishing List even more necessary. As always, we’ll leave (most of) the politics, world news, entertainment and sports stuff to others and stick to our own topics.



Happenstance Intentional
Unsilo Collaborate

“You can observe a lot just by watching.” (Yogi Berra)

““A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.” (Steve Martin)

Pivot Hybrid
Autocomplete Humanthink
Prince The Bee Gees
‘Manels’ Change the Stage
Blue and green Gray and yellow
Open-plan spaces Enclosed areas
Zoom fatigue More Zoom fatigue
Virtual wine tastings Sommeliers-to-go
The Electoral College College basketball (March Madness!)
Any news outlet

Digital delegates

Cameo A person mailed birthday card
A COVID bump An Olympics bump
IRL (in real life) IDE (Immersive Digital Experiences)
Craziness Pandemomentum
Designed for productivity Designed for wellbeing
Staff bios Talent Alumni Directory
Unmute Next speaker





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