Urgent Call for Federal Action: Addressing Intimate Image Deepfakes

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), ACT | The App Association, and INCOMPAS, The Internet and Competitive Networks Association Competitive Networks Association (INCOMPAS) have jointly addressed a letter to congressional leaders urging immediate federal action on the issue of intimate image deepfakes. There is significant harm caused by such content, especially to vulnerable groups like young people, and note the inadequacy of current federal laws in addressing this issue.

The letter identifies several legislative proposals before Congress, such as the DEFIANCE Act and the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act, which aim to establish civil and criminal liability for offenders. These bills seek to amend existing laws to cover deepfakes and address gaps in current legislation. The organizations commend these efforts for balancing privacy protections with considerations like intermediary liability and First Amendment rights.

In conclusion, lawmakers need to prioritize this issue and provide victims with the justice they deserve.

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