Three Corners Federal Privacy Statement

SIIA statement on Pallone, Rodgers and Wicker federal privacy legislation.

This statement can be attributed to Jeff Joseph, President, Software & Information Industry Association

We applaud House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), on reaching an agreement on bicameral, bipartisan federal privacy legislation that endorses federal preemption and a limited private right of action for substantial and individualized harm. 

SIIA has long advocated for a bill that would establish a uniform, comprehensive federal privacy standard. We believe this bill establishes a balanced perspective on preemption, which provides greater clarity and certainty for consumers and innovators alike, particularly in light of the recent uptick in state privacy laws. It makes a solid effort to protect the free flow of constitutionally protected speech.  It recognizes the need to provide enhanced privacy protections for children and empower consumers with regard to the use of their data. We continue to support the need for regulatory parity across the digital ecosystem, which will promote and advance responsible, world class innovation for all companies, regardless of size.

We look forward to working with Congress to improve this important legislation and move it forward.

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