Matt McMurray

Legislative Director, Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL)

Matt McMurray serves as Legislative Director to Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL-02), Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee and member of the Oversight and Reform Committee. His principal areas of focus are technology/communications, defense, transportation, and energy issues. Prior to joining the office of Congresswoman Robin Kelly, Matt interned for the Committee on House Administration and Dale Curtis Communications.

Before coming to the Hill, Matt worked as a Field Organizer for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Michigan’s First Congressional District. While an undergraduate at Emory University he worked at the Yerkes National Primate Center in Atlanta for three years studying the effects of adverse maternal care in socially housed rhesus infants. Matt graduated Magna cum Laude from Emory University and has a Master’s Degree from the U.S. Army War College.

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