Marty Schmelkin

Partner, Schulte Roth & Zabel

Martin L. Schmelkin focuses his practice on employment and employee benefits issues for hedge funds, private equity firms, asset managers and investment banks. He has nearly 30 years of experience in employment law, representing clients in all aspects, including counseling on recruitment, hiring, employment agreements, compensation, promotions, disciplinary action and terminations. Additionally, Marty has experience advising on litigation strategy, coordinating the implementation of policies and programs across multiple global jurisdictions, and leading workplace training programs. He has a wealth of experience with diversity, equity and inclusion policies and programs, including the interplay with Environmental Social Governance (ESG) reporting. Marty also counsels financial services firms on employment related FINRA arbitrations and regulatory filings.

Marty brings a unique perspective to clients, having worked for 15 years in the legal department of Goldman Sachs, where he was a managing director and associate general counsel in the employment law group. While there he spent time in the firm’s Hong Kong office covering employment law matters throughout Asia and also had responsibility for employment law in non-U.S. offices in the Americas.

Marty serves as an Associate Lecturer on Labor & Employment Law at Columbia University, and is a member of the Executive Board of the Cornell University School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR) Alumni Association.

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