Luiz Alberto Machado

Economist from Mackenzie, Master in Creativity and Innovation from Universidade Fernando Pessoa (Portugal). Advisor to the Democratic Space Foundation. Managing partner of the company SAM – Souza Aranha Machado Consultoria e Produções Artísticas. Board member of the Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economy and the Ignatian Educational Foundation “Padre Sabóia de Medeiros” – FEI. Former president of Corecon-SP and Cofecon. Author of the books How to face the challenges of a professional career (Trevisan Editora, 2012), Das quadras para a vida (Trevisan Editora, 2018), Journey through the Economy (Scriptum, 2019) and Economy + Creativity = Creative Economy (Scriptum, 2021) and from the chapter on Brazil from the book Latin American Business Cultures (Chicago, IL: Prentice Hall, 2005).

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