Julie Hutchinson

Capital Markets Industry Specialist, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Julie leads Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) worldwide business development efforts for Exchanges & Trading Platforms, Financial Content, and Utilities (such as DTCC, Finra) within the Global Financial Services team. In this role, she defines industry-wide strategy and enablement initiatives to accelerate cloud adoption. Having 20 years of experience supporting financial firms combined with unique perspective from her work at network, extranet, and datacenter providers – she brings a deep understanding of the challenges related to migrating from legacy technology, and uses that expertise to help guide organizations in their cloud journey.   Most recently, she has been supporting exchanges, content providers, and industry utilities in their efforts to deliver, process, store, and analyze financial content on AWS.  Prior to joining AWS, she was Head of Solutions, North America for Colt Capital Markets, where she supported the launch of the global extranet, Prizmnet. She has also held business development roles at Equinix and Telx (Digital Realty), as well as leadership, technical and sales roles at Level 3 and SAVVIS.

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