Jason Koulouras

Global Market Data Leader, Bridgewater Associates

Hi, Jason Koulouras, or Jason K as well, I am delighted to be an active participant in FISD, where I have been a consumer member (buyside and sell side) and an exchange member looking back over time.  Recently FISD requested me to step up my commitment and engagement, becoming a co-chair of the Consumer Group (working group?) and resulting in me being here today as part of this distinguished panel.  I have 38 years of working experience in the capital markets, of which the past 28 years relate directly to the Market and Reference Data practices.  Combining vendor, sell-side, buy-side and exchange experience, I attempt to bring a quality voice from the consumer group that is both advocacy leading and practically workable, striving to bring both relationship management and longer term perspective as the essential attributes and goals.  The most rewarding aspect of my professional opportunities, is my commitment to take calls, with folks seeking to enter/transition into the capital markets industry, as part of my core values of helping people.  At it’s core, I design my role Servant-Leader, something I had an idea of what that was in the mid-90’s and have continued to evolve, refine and grow over time.  To close, I also love reading books, especially about subjects I have little or no understanding of, in order to constantly push the horizon broader of realizing how much I don’t know, and achieving continuous growth and learning.  Thank you for indulging me in this opportunity to speak today.

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