Domingo García-Coto

Head of Market Research, BME

  • Born in Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
  • Economist (Santiago de Compostela University. Spain. 1985)
  • D. in Economics (University Autónoma of Madrid. 2000)
  • MBA (Escuela de Organización Industrial. 1987)
  • Market Research Dpt. Managing Director in BME Spanish Exchanges – SIX Group
  • Member of the Boards of BME Fixed Income Market, the Spanish fixed income regulated market and of BME Growth, the junior market for SME.
  • Member of the Consultantive Committee of the CNMV, the Spanish Securities Markets regulator.
  • Chairman of the Economics and Statistics Committee of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE). Member of the Committee since 1992.
  • Former member of the experts committee of the IBEX-35, the main index of the Spanish Stock Exchange, between 2000 and 2006.
  • Author of several articles and papers in books, magazines and economic press. Also activity as lecturer.
  • Member of the management board of AEFIN, the Spanish Association of Finance. Member of the experts committee of the Spanish Institute of Analysts (IEAF-FEF).
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