Cécile Walton

Director, Sydney, MinterEllison Consulting
Before joining MinterEllison Consulting as a Director, Cécile Walton was the Executive Manager of Sustainability at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for over a decade. Prior to CBA, Cécile spent 10 years with Accenture London office in a variety of UK-based and global roles spanning recruitment, management consulting and corporate citizenship. Cécile brings a unique combination of insights, experience and pragmatism to complex group-wide agendas, supporting organisations across multiple industries to navigate a fast-evolving Sustainability and ESG landscape. This includes supporting clients with greenwashing and modern slavery reviews. Cécile is also a recent graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and currently works with the Board of Streetwork, a Sydney-based not-for-profit organisation supporting vulnerable young people to turn their lives around.

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