Anja Hohenacker

Managing Director DACH region, TRG Screen

Anja Hohenacker has been Managing Director at TRG Screen for Germany and since January 2016 and is building up the DACH Region. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of market data. She developed her expertise through various roles at different providers and banks. After studying economics at the University of Hohenheim, she began her career in 1997 at Dow Jones Telerate as support and developed into a support manager via project management. After 5 years she changed sides and joined Dresdner Bank. Here she progressed from account manager to responsibility for the market data and portal group. In 2011, she moved to Dekabank and took on the position of Head of Marketdata for both the commercial and technical functions. Training and leadership was an important aspect in all of her roles. She is committed to training in the market data environment in the DACH region.

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