SIIA’s Response to OMB’s Call for Responsible AI Procurement in Government

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) submitted comments in response to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Request for Information on the responsible procurement of artificial intelligence (AI) in government. SIIA praised the Administration’s efforts to promote AI innovation and stressed the importance of responsible procurement practices by government agencies.

SIIA commended efforts to integrate AI ethics into the OMB AI memo, emphasizing risk-based frameworks, transparency, and responsible governance. SIIA advocated for the continued encouragement of risk-based AI governance practices and suggested leveraging existing standards such as the NIST AI Risk Management Framework and ISO standards for responsible AI procurement.

Regarding vendor and agency responsibilities, SIIA proposed a clear distinction between the roles, with vendors providing information about their AI services while government agencies ensure proper deployment and risk assessments. SIIA highlighted the importance of transparent documentation, such as AI service cards, to enable informed decision-making by agencies.

SIIA recommended that OMB provide guidance on standard terms, conditions, and intellectual property protections to safeguard sensitive information while promoting transparency in the procurement process. SIIA also suggested that agencies prioritize products aligned with responsible AI deployment guidelines.

To mitigate risks and equity concerns, SIIA urged agencies to engage with diverse stakeholder groups and consider AI principles and guidance developed by companies. SIIA emphasized the need for agencies to incorporate equity considerations into their due diligence process when identifying and procuring AI technologies.

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