SIIA’s Feedback on S.1291: Enhancing Online Safety for Children

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) has submitted feedback on the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act (S.1291), which is under consideration by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. While acknowledging the importance of safeguarding children and teens online, SIIA highlights concerns regarding the bill’s current form, proposing revisions to better ensure the privacy and safety of all Americans.

SIIA raises apprehensions about potential adverse effects of the proposed legislation, particularly concerning the Eyes on the Board Act, which could impose impractical restrictions on schools’ internet access. We argue against the bill’s requirement for schools to ban social media, citing concerns about overreach and its impact on educational tools.

Furthermore, SIIA urges the adoption of an “actual knowledge” standard in the legislation, expressing reservations about the current constructive knowledge standard’s feasibility and potential privacy implications. We caution against overly burdensome age verification requirements, citing privacy and cybersecurity risks.

In conclusion, SIIA expresses appreciation for the opportunity to provide feedback and offers to collaborate with the Committee to refine the legislation, with the overarching goal of enhancing online privacy and safety for children and teens.

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