SIIA Urges Biden Administration to Establish Global Norms on Digital Trade

SIIA joined other trade associations from technology, retail, and manufacturing in urging the Biden-Harris administration to play a more active role in establishing global norms for digital trade, especially in the Indo-Pacific.  SIIA is concerned by the growth of data localization requirements around the world. These requirements hamper the ability of the software and information industries to compete in a global market. 

The adoption of data localization requirements as the ‘new normal’ would be disruptive, if not prohibitive, to our members’ ability to offer and support a wide variety of publicly-beneficial activities, from educational solutions to credit and criminal background checks to search,” said Jeff Joseph, President of SIIA.  “China’s attempting to create a trade model that requires localization. It’s critical that the United States engage with its regional partners to foster an inclusive digital trade environment and counter the threat of rising protectionism.” 

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