SIIA Submission to the European Commission Re: Call for Contributions on Competition and Generative AI

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the European Commission’s Call for Contributions on Competition in Generative AI.

The response outlines the main components of the AI stack, emphasizing its interrelated nature and identifying components such as compute resources, data, storage, AI models, applications, and talent. It underscores the critical role of data quality and computational power, particularly in the context of generative AI (GenAI), which relies on vast amounts of data to train models.

This response discusses potential barriers to entry in the GenAI market, including the high costs associated with obtaining compute resources and accessing quality data. It also highlights the importance of skilled talent in developing and deploying GenAI models.

SIIA cautions the European Commission against rushing to adapt EU antitrust law to the GenAI market, arguing that existing competition laws and regulations are sufficient to address concerns. It stresses the importance of a thoughtful and evidence-based approach by the European Commission, considering the evolving nature of the industry.

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