SIIA Raises Concerns and Advocates Alternatives in Response to Maryland’s HB 772

Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), along with 5 organizations, express concerns  regarding Maryland’s proposed legislation, HB 772, the “Internet–Connected Devices and Internet Service Providers – Default Filtering of Obscene Content (Maryland Online Child Protection Act).” While acknowledging the importance of online child protection, the organizations express reservations about the effectiveness and feasibility of a state-specific default filter for internet-connected devices. The organizations argue that such a measure is technologically infeasible, creates unrealistic expectations, and undermines competition among existing filter technologies. The letter suggests alternative approaches, citing California’s AB 873, which focuses on incorporating media literacy into curriculum frameworks. The organizations emphasize the need for informed assessments of existing programs before implementing new regulations and advocate for narrowly tailored, risk-based strategies to address specific age groups and tangible harms. Despite concerns about HB 772, the organizations express commitment to collaborating on effective solutions for children’s online safety.

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