SIIA President Speaks Out Against Racism

We were stunned by the recent senseless killing of eight people in Atlanta, six of them Asian Americans. It is not known with certainty at this time if the killer’s motive was based on race, but it is hard to ignore that race was at play and that there has been a pronounced increase of hate crimes toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in recent months. Silence is complicity. Those of us with public voices should use our platform to denounce hate and injustice when we see it. Fighting for equality, justice and an end to racism of all sorts is not just the morally correct thing to do, it is critical for the health of the industries we represent and our national economy overall. Innovation and economic growth spring from our ability to access the talents of all Americans, regardless of ethnicity, gender choice, political persuasion, faith or any other personal identity that others may use to divide us. We continue to make strides within our own organization to promote diversity, equity and inclusion and help our members deal with these complex but critical issues. More can always be done. Indeed, we can, and must, do better as a society.  But know that we will always speak out against racism and hate in all forms. Our hearts go out to those who were lost, and those who have suffered unjustifiable and horrific indignities.

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