SIIA joins Multi-Organizations Letter in Support of a Healthy and Vibrant Internet

More than three dozen undersigned public interest organizations, industry members, legal advocates, and academics share in the goal of a healthy, vibrant Internet, and we appreciate the time and energy the Subcommittee and its members have dedicated to this issue, including by holding today’s hearing on “Platform Accountability: Gonzalez and Reform.”

We are all invested in creating and supporting an Internet that works for everyone. We recognize that, like any tool that brings people together, bad actors can and do use the Internet to cause harm, and we want to be a resource as policymakers consider proposals to combat those harms. We are concerned, however, that ongoing conversations focused on Section 230 of the Communications Act (47 U.S.C. § 230) fail to account for the many ways that the law has empowered Internet users, including your constituents in states and communities across the country.

Read the full letter here.

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