SIIA Joins Coalition Letter Urging the Biden Administration to Make the EU’s Discriminatory Digital Regulatory Agenda a Focus of Discussions

SIIA joins coalition letter urging the Biden administration to make the EU’s discriminatory digital regulatory agenda a focus of discussions during European Commission President von der Leyen’s upcoming visit.

We urge the Biden administration to stand up for U.S. workers and businesses threatened by the EU’s discriminatory policies with the same resolve that European officials have shown on the IRA. Measures that undercut American companies’ ability to compete in Europe should be opposed. Now is the time to press the EU to commit to fair implementation and enforcement of existing measures, including the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Service Act, and to insist that they refrain from adopting additional discriminatory measures, including provisions in the EU Cloud Services Scheme, AI Act and Data Act. Doing so will strengthen the U.S.-EU partnership as we work together to promote shared values, take on challenges in third countries, and create new opportunities for both U.S. and EU companies and workers.

Read the full letter here.

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