SIIA Joins Coalition Letter Opposing California SB 362

SIIA and organizations respectfully OPPOSE SB 362 (Becker) as amended May 18, 2023. The bill is premised on a purported loophole in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that does not exist, creating a duplicative and potentially confusing regime for businesses that are already subject to the CCPA’s disclosure, deletion, and opt-out rights; and imposing unnecessary and significant burdens on the new Privacy Agency, which remains behind on CCPA regulations.
  • The Attorney General’s Office expressly states data brokers are businesses subject to the CCPA.
  • Consumers already have all the information needed to effectuate their CCPA rights against data brokers.
  • The CCPA’s deletion rights have a significant downstream effect. Any limits exist out of necessity, not loopholes.

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