Replay ‘Live’ Again or Chop Into Pieces – the Art of Repurposing

Daniel Pink, one of my favorite authors and lecturers, recently spoke on a video for To make audience engagement easier, Inc. wrote a short article with three big takeaways from the video. (They are: Start with small wins; Infuse your goals with purpose and; Lead by example.)
In an article on repurposing, Blue Sky Blog advises following Inc’s lead and creating blog posts from your videos, podcasts and sessions: “While you listen to the recordings (or read a transcript), you’ll want to pick out topics that you think would be interesting for you to expand on [or summarize] for your audience… Also ask your speakers if they’d be willing to write these articles in addition to presenting the sessions. [And amplify them on their social media.] They may be willing to for the additional exposure.”
Repurposing your content any time is a good thing, but especially now, where your audience may not be catching everything you’re doing. And now that you’re virtual, it’s even easier to record your sessions—in fact, many organizations are having speakers pre-record their sessions for the virtual event and then hosting a live Q&A after!
Here are more repurposing ideas from Blue Sky and other sources:
Replay the event. Some people may go back to listen to a webinar after the fact, but many don’t. But here’s something that might help. Schedule another specific time to play the recording and have the speaker(s) available for a live Q&A. “By replaying the recordings as a live event, you’ll be able to have the subject matter expert there as well as all of the other interactivity that can take place,” writes Blue Sky. You can do the same with the most popular sessions from a virtual conference.

Create microlearning. This involves some editing but it could be worthwhile. “…if you’re able to chop up session recordings into multiple, smaller micro-presentations, which could potentially attract a larger audience with a shorter attention span,” this could prove valuable. “If you’re selling these, you can also get creative with how you sell them—separately for one price, bundled for a discount, and so on.”

Use content from your online Q&A discussion or forum group—or your webinar Q&As. This has become one of The Washington Post’s biggest repurposing strategies. They will have one of their travel or restaurant or relationships experts do an online chat and then you’ll see some of that dialogue in the print newspaper. It actually makes for good, easy-to-read copy.

Look for evergreen content ideas. I was just checking to see what I had from last summer and found “a summer reading list” of business books, keys to bringing positive change to your company, and 12 tips for marketing your webinar. I always try to add new entries to these lists.
Create Q&A industry profiles or videos. Once you have a subject’s quotes written out, it’s easy to go back and use a quote when a relevant subject comes up. And if you use the same questions, you can then take 10 different answers to one of the questions and make that a stand-alone piece.
Turn your recordings into podcasts. Another option is to deliver your virtual event content as a podcast that your audience can listen to anytime anywhere. You can also take topics and questions that came up during your webinar and create spin-off podcasts or videos on those specific items.
Blue Sky also suggests that you “get creative with pricing—offering free or discounted on-demand access for virtual conference attendees, providing different registrations tiers that can include on-demand access, selling sponsorships, and more.” I agree that pricing these days is a total work in progress. Probably smart not to underprice at the start. Your content still has tremendous value—even if it is not being delivered in person.

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