SIIA Statement: The Violence Must End


SIIA Statement: The Violence Must End

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 6, 2021) – The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal association for the software, information, and digital content industries, condemns the insurrection that occurred today at our Nation’s Capitol. 

SIIA President, Jeff Joseph, issued the following statement:

“We call on America’s leaders at the highest levels to join us in the strongest terms in condemning the seditious mob who stormed our nation’s Capitol today. America’s global leadership in innovation comes in part from our rule of law and our long-standing democratic traditions. 

“Our members strongly support our Constitutional First Amendment rights to protest and free speech. This is not what we experienced at the Capitol today – it was mob violence. We held an election. The outcome is clear and incontrovertible. Now is the time for public and private sector leaders to do just that – lead – by calling for peace, transitioning our government, demanding accountability from those who have attacked our most precious institutions, and begin addressing the divide that afflicts our great nation. This will then enable our members to do what they do best – provide critical information and technology. It is time to join together to focus on national priorities including helping businesses deal with the pandemic and the related economic uncertainty, providing the tools necessary to enable and improve our current reliance on distance learning, and promoting better outcomes in health care for all. Our nation deserves no less.”


SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 700 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing, and health technology companies. Our diverse members manage the global financial markets, develop software that solves today’s challenges through technology, provide critical information that helps inform global businesses large and small, and innovate for better health care and personal wellness outcomes – they drive innovation and growth. For more information, visit

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