
SIIA works across capitals across the U.S. and around the world to advocate for our members’ interests. We will continue to fight for smart policies that enable our members to grow and innovate, in turn creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and driving U.S. competitiveness.

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We advocate across the specialized information industries -- From data privacy to digital trade, from ed tech and economic policy workforce issues to copyright and IP protections. Learn how SIIA is representing you and inspiring innovation in business as the 2021 Congress and state representatives work to stimulate economic recovery.

For more than 40 years, SIIA has been identifying, investigating and resolving piracy for our members. We protect your intellectual property.

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SIIA is the only organization dedicated to helping the education technology industry thrive. We bring industry leaders together, addressing challenges and the future of education.

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Administration Must Reverse Course on Digital Trade – Our National Security and Economic Interests Demand It

Written by: Morten Skroejer, Senior Director for Technology Competition Policy   The Office of the United States Trade …

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What is Rights & Safety Impacting AI

Written by: Suher Adi The White House’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial …

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SIIA’s 2024 Policy Priorities: Safeguarding Children, Fostering Responsible AI, and Shaping the Future of Digital Governance

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) outlines its 2024 Policy Priorities in a comprehensive document spanning various …

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Request for Revision of FTC Rulemaking Process – Negative Option Rule, Project No. P064202

SIIA and various organizations express their concerns and objections to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed amendments to …

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SIIA’s Opposition to New Jersey Bill A.5750/S.4215 on Children’s Online Protection

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) opposes New Jersey bill A.5750/S.4215, designed to protect children online. The …

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NIST Virtual Listening Session: Paul Lekas Advocates U.S. Leadership in Critical and Emerging Technology Standards

Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President of Global Public Policy & Government Affairs at the Software & Information Industry …

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Concerns and Recommendations Regarding NCDPI’s Updated Data Confidentiality and Security Agreement

Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) expresses appreciation for the efforts of the North Carolina Department of Public …

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Urgent Concerns Regarding EU Designation of U.S. Companies as “Gatekeepers”

The open letter to President Biden raises serious concerns about the European Union’s designation of five U.S. companies …

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Joint Trade Associations’ Urgent Call for U.S. Action Against Canada’s Digital Services Tax

A coalition of trade associations expresses strong support for prompt and decisive U.S. action in response to Canada’s …

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Coalition Raises Concerns: No Section 230 Immunity for AI Act Threatens Free Speech and Innovation

SIIA and major organizations address Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell to express concerns about the “No …

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