
SIIA works across capitals across the U.S. and around the world to advocate for our members’ interests. We will continue to fight for smart policies that enable our members to grow and innovate, in turn creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and driving U.S. competitiveness.

We are working for you

We advocate across the specialized information industries -- From data privacy to digital trade, from ed tech and economic policy workforce issues to copyright and IP protections. Learn how SIIA is representing you and inspiring innovation in business as the 2021 Congress and state representatives work to stimulate economic recovery.

For more than 40 years, SIIA has been identifying, investigating and resolving piracy for our members. We protect your intellectual property.

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SIIA is the only organization dedicated to helping the education technology industry thrive. We bring industry leaders together, addressing challenges and the future of education.

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SIIA Statement on Sonos and patents

SIIA Statement in the matter of patents and Sonos. SIIA’s members have benefited greatly from the patents they …

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AFT Letter to House Ways & Means Leadership Ahead of Hearing on Competitiveness with China

Americans for Free Trade (AFT), a broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs …

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SIIA, motion picture and recording industry associations file together on CASE Act

SIIA joined the Motion Picture Association and the Recording Industry Association of America to provide comments in response …

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Industry Letter Opposing Canadian DTS

SIIA joined 10 other organizations in a letter to Secretary Yellen, Ambassador Tai and Ambassador Cohen expressing appreciation …

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11.30.21 Letter from 11 Organizations Against Canadian DST

SIIA joined 10 other organizations in a letter to Secretary Yellen, Ambassador Tai and Ambassador Cohen expressing appreciation …

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From the CEO: Notes from TTC Roundtable

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UK Data Reforms Embody Authenticity, Leadership and Trust through the Power of Data

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SIIA Comments on Reforms to the UK Data Protection Regime

SIIA comments on potential reforms to the UK data protection regime, including UK GDPR, UK Data Protection Act …

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National Deepfake and Digital Provenance Task Force Support Letter

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SIIA Statement on Deepfake Letter

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