
SIIA works across capitals across the U.S. and around the world to advocate for our members’ interests. We will continue to fight for smart policies that enable our members to grow and innovate, in turn creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and driving U.S. competitiveness.

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We advocate across the specialized information industries -- From data privacy to digital trade, from ed tech and economic policy workforce issues to copyright and IP protections. Learn how SIIA is representing you and inspiring innovation in business as the 2021 Congress and state representatives work to stimulate economic recovery.

For more than 40 years, SIIA has been identifying, investigating and resolving piracy for our members. We protect your intellectual property.

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SIIA is the only organization dedicated to helping the education technology industry thrive. We bring industry leaders together, addressing challenges and the future of education.

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Statement: Revised Antitrust Bill Fails to Correct Fatal Flaws, Will Hurt U.S. Economy

SIIA: Revised Antitrust Bill Fails to Correct Fatal Flaws, Will Hurt U.S. Economy This statement can be attributed …

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Statement on: The Importance of Protecting the Privacy of Student Personal Information

Statement on: The Importance of Protecting the Privacy of Student Personal Information The following statement can be attributed …

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Comments of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) on the Request for Comment NTIA-2022-0001, Developing a Report on Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem

SIIA Provides Input on Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) to Inform Pre-Rulemaking Session SIIA provided comments to the National …

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SIIA Provides Input on Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) to Inform Pre-Rulemaking Session

SIIA Provides Input on Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) to Inform Pre-Rulemaking Session In a letter to Attorney General …

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Event Recap: SIIA Presents at Privacy-enhancing Tech Summit on May 18

On May 18, SIIA participated at the Privacy-enhancing Technology (PET) Summit, hosted by Kisaco Research. The summit included a …

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Reflections on the U.S.-EU TTC: Progress on Transatlantic Digital Policy – But Controversial Issues Remain

There is much to celebrate about the second ministerial meeting of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC), …

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SIIA Statement on Today’s FTC Vote Prioritizing Enforcement of COPPA

SIIA Statement on Today’s FTC Vote Prioritizing Enforcement of COPPA The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) issued …

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New SIIA Case Study Celebrates Positive Data Privacy Best Practices

New SIIA Case Study Celebrates Positive Data Privacy Best Practices This spring, we are showcasing companies that have …

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SIIA Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Injunction Against Texas Social Media Law

SIIA Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Injunction Against Texas Social Media Law SIIA Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate …

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SIIA Joins Chamber of Progress, Files Amicus Brief with Supreme Court on Content Moderation

SIIA, Chamber of Progress File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court on Content Moderation SIIA joined a diverse group …

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