
SIIA works across capitals across the U.S. and around the world to advocate for our members’ interests. We will continue to fight for smart policies that enable our members to grow and innovate, in turn creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and driving U.S. competitiveness.

We are working for you

We advocate across the specialized information industries -- From data privacy to digital trade, from ed tech and economic policy workforce issues to copyright and IP protections. Learn how SIIA is representing you and inspiring innovation in business as the 2021 Congress and state representatives work to stimulate economic recovery.

For more than 40 years, SIIA has been identifying, investigating and resolving piracy for our members. We protect your intellectual property.

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SIIA is the only organization dedicated to helping the education technology industry thrive. We bring industry leaders together, addressing challenges and the future of education.

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SIIA Opposes Advancement of Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, Expresses First Amendment Concerns

The following statement from the Software & Information Industry Association can be attributed to Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President, …

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TECH& with Sruthi Thatchenkery, Assistant Professor of Strategy, Vanderbilt University

Join Morten Skroejer and Sruthi Thatchenkery in this engaging Tech& discussion as they delve into the effects of …

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SIIA Joins Multi-Org Letter to White House on Digital Identity in National Cyber Strategy

SIIA joins multi-organization letter that addresses the Biden-Harris Administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy, specifically focusing on the need to …

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SIIA Joins Coalition Letter to OPPOSE California AB 1546 (Gabriel)

SIIA joins multiple organizations in opposing California AB 1546 (Gabriel), a bill that aims to extend the statute …

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SIIA Submission to NTIA on AI Accountability

SIIA joins many of our members in providing feedback to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA’s) Request …

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SIIA Joins Coalition Letter on California AB 886 (Oppose)

SIIA joins 12 civil society and industry organizations value free speech and local journalism to oppose AB 886, …

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Unlocking the Value of Data: Comments on the White House’s National Strategy to Advance Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing and Analytics

Written by: Julia Montiel and Paul Lekas Privacy-Enhancing technologies (PETS) are tools and techniques that are designed to help protect …

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SIIA Joins Coalition Letter Opposing California SB 362

SIIA and organizations respectfully OPPOSE SB 362 (Becker) as amended May 18, 2023. The bill is premised on …

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SIIA Joins Industry Letter Raising Concerns About the EUCS

We write to raise concerns ahead of the upcoming meeting of the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council (TTC) …

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SIIA Joins Letter to the Administration on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)

The U.S. business and agriculture community welcomed the administration’s launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) talks to …

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