SIIA joins with other organizations in expressing opposition to AB 2013 (Irwin) in its current form, primarily due to concerns surrounding its implications. While supportive of transparency initiatives, the collective argues that the bill’s requirements regarding the disclosure of data used to train AI systems present significant challenges. Key among these concerns are the perceived burdensomeness and lack of clarity in defining crucial terms such as “training” and “developer.” The group stresses the necessity for targeted transparency measures to prevent consumer fatigue and avoid unnecessary regulatory burdens on businesses operating within multiple regulatory regimes. Critical suggestions for amendments include narrowing the bill’s scope to high-risk AI systems, clarifying definitions, and ensuring the protection of trade secrets and intellectual property. Additionally, alternative approaches to achieving transparency and accountability are proposed to mitigate the potential adverse effects on businesses. Furthermore, the organizations advocate for the bill to only apply to AI developed after its effective date and to explicitly preclude any private right of action.