SIIA Submits Comments on Biometric Technologies to White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
SIIA commends OSTP’s efforts to develop a Bill of Rights for an Automated Society and appreciate the steps that OSTP has taken, through this RFI and a series of roundtables and listening sessions, to hear from consumers, businesses, academics, and the American public. Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a profound impact on all aspects of society and the impact will only continue. Leadership in developing policy to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly and in accordance with societal expectations is critical. SIIA appreciates OSTP’s role in ensuring that emerging technologies advance (and do not undermine) efforts to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and individual privacy.
Building on the approach taken in the RFI, SIIA offers several guiding principles as OSTP continues its work on biometrics and on the broader Bill of Rights for an Automated Society. To learn more about the series of recommendations, read the full letter here.
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