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Playing for Keeps – What’s Working (and What’s Not) in Editorial Recruitment and Retention

March 31 7 @ 1-2 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Last year's Great Resignation and DEI initiatives only exacerbated the importance that media companies, niche publishers and associations are putting on finding and keeping editorial talent. The upheaval also opened new windows into the entire process, from internships and editorial tests, to knowing metrics to remote work options and other benefits. Hear from a veteran journalist who has written about these issues and a B2B media company president and HR executive who are living it. This will be an open discussion so please bring your stories as well.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

April 7 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

FISD NY Issue Brief: Back to (In-person) Work – April 7

April 7 @ 4:00 - 7:30PM US Eastern Time
As the effects of Omicron fade, employees at many firms are returning to in-person work. In this panel discussion, speakers representing diverse viewpoints within the industry will opine on how this is affecting their firms, and their clients.

Peer-to-Peer Problem & Solution Session

April 12 @ 1 p.m. US Eastern Time
Have a publishing challenge you need help solving? Bring your top challenges and ideas to this interactive Zoom session to share with and learn from your peers.

Asia-Pacific Happy Hour – April 12

April 12 @ 3:00 - 5:00PM Singapore Time
Join us for a late afternoon virtual gathering to catch up with other Asia/Australia-based FISD members. While we won’t be able to share handshakes, New Year greetings or hugs, this informal meeting will allow registrants to connect via video and/or audio.

AM&P Network’s 40 Minute Editorial Training Series: Engagement Versus Clicks: Understanding the New Content Metrics and Using That Data to Grow

April 21 @ 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time
Any content producer will tell you the metrics they care about: Reads, clicks, opens, social-media sharing and more. But these aren’t the only metrics that matter these days. Publishers have pivoted to data analytics in the service of providing business intelligence and purchase-intent signals to customers.

FISD Amsterdam – April 21 – In-Person

April 21@ 1:30 - 7:15PM Dutch Time
Join FISD for an evening in Amsterdam and learn about Crypto Disruptors to Market Data, Contract Clarity, and Innovation in the field. Enjoy hearing from, and networking with, thought leaders.

68th Annual Neal Awards

April 26 in New York, New York
SIIA’s Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious awards for business journalism and content creation. Now in its 68th year, the Neals honor the brightest, most tenacious, and innovative journalists, content creators, and designers for their passion and exceptional work.

FISD/SIIA Virtual Workshop: Leading with Equity – May 3

May 3@ 10:00AM - 11:30AM US Eastern Time
By the end of this session participants will be able to articulate the mindsets, skills and behaviors that go into leading with equity & inclusion and better understand how day to day interactions and organizational structures contribute to an inclusive & equitable workplace.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

May 5 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

FISD Chicago – May 5 – In-Person

May 5@ 3:00 - 7:00PM US Central Time
Join us in the Windy City for discussions on market data, a new member briefing with TRACTIV and special presentation by Cboe's Henry Schwartz.

2022 Ag Media Survey – Where Ag Customers Spend Their Time and Money

May 9 @ 12 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Join us for an exclusive look at the 2022 Ag Media Usage Study, produced by AM&P Network’s Ag Media Council, the National Agri-Marketing Association and Readex Research. This 60-minute webinar will offer a deep dive into how the ag community uses media, including:

FISD Toronto – May 10 – In-Person

May 10 @ 2:30 - 6:30 PM US Central Time
This event includes a presentation on the Filing the Future of ESG and exciting discussion on Marketing Data in the Cloud (The Canada Edition) along with great networking opportunities.

FISD Webinar: How Standardized Data Documentation Helps Data to Flow

May 17@ 10:00 - 11:30AM US Eastern Time
The experts within FISD’s Alternative Data Council recently created and published the Data Descriptions Guidelines, a standardized approach to data documentation. This panel will discuss how industry coalescence around standardized data documentation can provide benefits to different sectors of the alt data ecosystem.

Associations Council Lunch & Learn: Reimagining the Magazine

May 19 @ 1 U.S. Eastern Time
The bimonthly Associations Council Lunch & Learn Series addresses the intricacies of association publishing. Webinars are led by experts in media and publishing within nonprofit organizations. These 1-hour webinars are CAE eligible.

FISD NY Issue Brief – June 1 – In-Person

June 1@ 3:00 - 7:30PM US Eastern Time
Join us in NYC to hear a discussion about how market participants are looking to exchanges for storing and accessing a wealth of market data through the cloud. The program will also include a rising stars discussion, a new member briefing from Tractiv and a thought leadership presentation from CME followed by networking.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

June 9 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

2022 Ed Tech CODiE Award Winner Announcement

June 9
Join us for the virtual celebration of the 37th SIIA Business Ed Tech CODiE Awards, recognizing the best of the best in education technology companies, products and services.

2022 EXCEL Awards

June 22 @ The National Housing Center in Washington, D.C.
SIIA's EXCEL Awards is the largest and most prestigious program recognizing excellence and leadership in association media, publishing, marketing and communication.

Amplify 2022: AM&P Network’s Content and Marketing Summit

June 22-23 @ The National Housing Center in Washington, D.C.
Two packed days of headliners, peer-to-peer learning and special events (not to mention the EXCEL Awards Gala!) in an inclusive, friendly environment. Plus, CAE eligibility for those looking to earn credits.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

July 14 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Slack Chat: Get involved! Learn about AM&P Network volunteer opportunities
Members who actively volunteer within our committees, working groups and initiatives are better able to connect with the community and strengthen the ties that lead to learning new skills, career advancement, and lasting friendships and connections. Learn about the many volunteer opportunities within AM&P Network. From micro-volunteer moments to driving strategic initiatives, there’s a place for everyone. Hosted by Stacy Brooks Whatley, Associations Council president.

AM&P Network’s 40 Minute Editorial Training Series: Data Journalism 101

July 20 @ 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time
Effective data journalism isn’t just data dumps and Excel charts—it’s about understanding how to uncover new angles and provide deeper understanding into your subject matter. Winners from the Jesse H. Neal and Excel Awards offer a step-by-step primer on data journalism.

Democracy Affirming Technology: Restoring Trust Online

U.S. Capitol Visitor Center First St NE, Washington, DC

July 20 @ 2-4:30 p.m. US Eastern Time
Democracy Affirming Technology: Restoring Trust Online, an event highlighting the consequences of malign information campaigns and how stakeholders can restore trust online.

Associations Council Lunch & Learn: Introducing the SIIA Impact Awards

July 21 @ 1 U.S. Eastern Time
Join this virtual lunch & learn session to hear from previous Emerging Leader and Equity Award nominees as AM&P Network launches the SIIA Impact Awards. You’ll learn from past nominees about how they incorporated DEI in their associations’ media and publishing programs, as well as considerations for nominating yourself or a peer as an Emerging Leader. The bimonthly Associations Council Lunch & Learn Series addresses the intricacies of association publishing. Webinars are led by experts in media and publishing within nonprofit organizations. These 1-hour webinars are CAE eligible.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

August 4 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

AM&P Network’s Summer Editorial Council Meeting

August 4 @ 1 U.S. Eastern Time
2021 was a year like no other for journalism. Having settled into the pandemic and put in the midst of a racial reckoning, B2B writers felt the struggles and humanity of their audiences—and their writing rose to new heights to reflect it.

Signature Live: “Robots That Don’t Suck” (May/June issue)

August 25 @ 1:00PM. U.S. Eastern Time
Signature Live takes you beyond the pages of Signature magazine. Go deeper into the cover story with Signature Publisher Carla Kalogeridis and the expert contributors who shared their insights on important topics within the media industry.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

September 8 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

September topic: The Work-Life Equation – The work-life balance has an underlying assumption that stability is met through an even distribution of time, in essence a 50/50 split. There’s been a movement in recent years towards a work-life equation. How do you define your equation? How does that help you meet your goals, both in work and in life?

FISD New York – Sept 22 – In-Person

September 22 @ 3:00-7:30 p.m.
Join us at Morgan Stanley for a lively discussion around the index data space, a consolidated tape update, a welcome from some new FISD members as well as an FISD overview.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

October 6 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

October topic: Pets, Personal Space & Popcorn
Taking a cue from last month’s conversation about Work-Life Equation, let’s talk about what fuels your productivity and creativity, helps keep you grounded and focused, and ensures your priorities and boundaries get the attention they deserve. What are the routines that work for you? A stroll with your dog? A healthy snack? Music? Calendars? Come share some of those successful routines or favorite rituals that feed your best self—and feel free to share photos of those beloved pets and favorite snack recipes and links, too.
Hosted by Marlene Hendrickson, American Staffing Association

AM&P Network Associations Council: What Not to Do: Setting Content Priorities

October 13 @ 1:00PM U.S. Eastern Time
What Not to Do: Setting Content Priorities

It seems that everyone wants “more, more, more” in terms of content, but quantity is not necessarily a measurement of success. With a plethora of ideas and different expectations from various stakeholders from within an association, how do you figure out what to stop doing and what not to do and how to set priorities about which content projects are of the highest importance? Discover how some associations establish their content priorities effectively.

2022 World Financial Information Conference

October 16-19, Prague
Join more than 500 industry peers from 40 countries at the 15th biennial World Financial Information Conference, the only global event that focuses on the sourcing, compliance and delivery of financial information.

AM&P Network’s Editorial Training Series: How Money-Media’s Content Team Has Moved Past Clicks to a Much More Beneficial Engagement Metric

October 20 @ 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time
As the information industry shifts from free content and digital display to paid content, customer value (and indeed, the value of employees) is changing. This session shares specific breakdowns on the new unit economics of information and leave you with a strategy for schooling your editors on the business side and clarifying and measuring what content success actually means.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

November 10 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Topics vary every month and will focus on collective trends and topics within the media landscape, current events, and professional development. Come join us, engage with others, and learn a little more about your AM&P Network peers.

FISD Toronto – Nov. 16 – In-Person

November 16 @ 2:30-7:00 p.m.
Come together with your fellow colleagues at the BMO to hear some insightful discussions followed by an opportunity to network with each other.

AM&P Network’s Editorial Training Series: Refresh Your Podcast Strategy

November 17 @ 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time
Podcasts don’t have to be expensive to produce but they do require a significant amount of time and sweat equity which can be hard to justify if the numbers or the revenue isn’t there. Take a new look at podcasts with two experts who will show us how we can reposition podcasts for maximum engagement AND revenue.

AM&P Network Associations Council: Print, Paper and Postage: What You Need To Know For the Year Ahead

December 1 @ 1:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
AM&P Network's Association Council hosts bimonthly, virtual Lunch & Learns on topics of interest to association media professionals. As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

AM&P Network Slack Chat

December 8 @ 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time
December topic: Talent development in 2023
What have you learned in the past year or two about shifts in hiring, recruiting, and retention plans—and how will they impact your plans for 2023? As many teams finalize budgets, let’s share ideas and insights around hiring and talent development for the year ahead. Hosted by Meghan Stromberg, American Planning Association.


AM&P Network Slack Chat

Monthly! Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Join our monthly Slack Chat!

AM&P Network Associations Council Lunch & Learn — New Year’s Evolutions: Emerging Trends in Marketing, Content and More

January 19 @ 1:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Hear how associations and media organizations are adapting in the new year to innovate their content, marketing strategies, publications, videos, podcasts and other products. This event will also cover how to keep up with the continually changing social media landscape. Learn from our panelists and swap ideas with other participants to find new things you can implement in 2023.

Amplify BIMS 2023

February 23-24 @ The Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek in Orlando, Florida
Join Your Media-Industry Peers In Sunny Florida For High-Level, Strategic Learning And Networking. This Event Has Deep Roots In The B2B Media World.

This Year Will Bring Together B2B Executives, Digital Publishers, Specialty And Niche Operators, M&A Experts, Private-Equity Firms And Association Media—As Well As Their Marketing And Supply-Chain Partners.

Peer-to-Peer Problem & Solution Session

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 @ 1 p.m. US Eastern Time
Bring your top challenges and ideas to this interactive Zoom session to share with and learn from your peers.


AM&P Network Slack Chat

Monthly! Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Join our monthly Slack Chat!

AM&P Network: Creatives + Comms Connect

Mindspace K Street 1301 K St NW, Suite 300W Washington, DC 20005 1301 K St NW, Suite 300W, Washington, DC, United States

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm Eastern
We’re bringing together creative—photographers, designers, and writers (just to name a few!)—and association publishing professionals for an opportunity to connect and collaborate across disciplines.

69th Annual Neal Awards

April 21 in New York, New York
SIIA’s Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious awards for business journalism and content creation. Now in its 69th year, the Neals honor the brightest, most tenacious, and innovative journalists, content creators, and designers for their passion and exceptional work.


May 3-4 @ Fairmont Hotel in Singapore


AM&P Network Slack Chat

Monthly! Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Join our monthly Slack Chat!

Peer-to-Peer Problem & Solution Session

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 @ 1 p.m. US Eastern Time
Bring your top challenges and ideas to this interactive Zoom session to share with and learn from your peers.


AM&P Network Slack Chat

Monthly! Get a dose of inspiration, get help solving a particularly stubborn challenge, or just connect and convene with your fellow AM&P Network peers. Join our monthly Slack Chat!


SIIA INFO Local Dinner

Al Dente Restaurant, 3201 New Mexico Ave., NW, Washington DC 3201 New Mexico Ave., NW, Washington DC

SIIA INFO Local Networking Dinners were very popular pre-pandemic, and we're excited to bring them back on Monday, June 5!

FISD New York Women’s Group & Allies Luncheon

June 6 @ 11:30 - 2 p.m.
We invite you to join FISD on Tuesday, June 6th for the first in-person NYC luncheon since the pandemic. The featured panel is comprised of industry professionals at various stages of their careers—from rising stars to senior executives.

CEO Council Meeting – June

June 14
Join the CEO Council: Empowering B2B Media CEOs with Strategic Guidance and Unparalleled Networking Opportunities

2023 EXCEL Awards Gala

Excel Awards, June 27
Celebrate the best in association publishing by attending the EXCELs gala!

FISD Tokyo – November 28, 2023

November 28 from 3:30 - 8:00 p.m. @ LSEG
We are honored to have both JFSA and GPIF speaking on Japan’s leadership role in Transition Finance. Experts from Nomura Asset Management and S&P will review the comments from these 2 major institutions and discuss the data, processes and people required to drive these models. A strong program followed by an engaging networking reception.

FISD Singapore – November 30, 2023

November 30 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ LSEG
We have a full house of experts lined up for FISD Singapore. We’re discussing Large Language Model Use Cases, Data Infrastructure for Institutional Digital Asset trading, and the Evolving Role of Cloud in High-Speed Data and wrapping up with a networking reception. You won’t want to miss these!

CEO Council Meeting – December

December 6
Join the CEO Council: Empowering B2B Media CEOs with Strategic Guidance and Unparalleled Networking Opportunities

FISD NY Issue Brief & Holiday Party – December 7, 2023

December 7 from 2:30-7:00 p.m. @LSEG
Join us for the last NYC Issue Brief of 2023 and end of year celebration at LSEG. We have a great program with topics on AI, interoperable desktops, new members and great networking.

FISD London Issue Brief & Christmas Party – December 13, 2023

December 13 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. @ LSEG
Our last London Issue Brief of 2023 and end of year celebration at LSEG Refinitiv. We have delightful panels on ESG and regulation vs. technology before wrapping up with our networking reception. Join the waitlist!

FISD Netherlands – January 25, 2024

January 25 from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ Rabobank
We look forward to welcoming you to our annual Dutch event, where we have an exciting program lined up for you. Our expert speakers will look at ESG innovation, Regulation challenges, Enacting healthy 1/3 party relationships, and Fostering talent. Registration fills quickly - don't delay!

FISD New York – February 8, 2024

February 8 from 3:00 - 7:30 p.m. @ AWS
Our program will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts.

BIMS 2024

Loews New Orleans Hotel 300 Poydras St, New Orleans,, LA, United States

February 29- March 1 @ Loews New Orleans Hotel in New Orleans
Join Your Media-Industry Peers In New Orleans For High-Level, Strategic Learning And Networking. This Event Has Deep Roots In The B2B Media World.

This Year Will Bring Together B2B Executives, Digital Publishers, Specialty And Niche Operators, M&A Experts, Private-Equity Firms And Association Media—As Well As Their Marketing And Supply-Chain Partners.

FISD London Tech Forum – March 12, 2024

March 12 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ JP Morgan
This annual FISD event focuses on the technology that underpins the operation of a successful and vibrant market data industry. The programming will dive deeper into engineering and technology and is intended to appeal to both members who come from an engineering/technical background and those who don't.

FISD Hong Kong – March 12, 2024

March 12 from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. @ University of Hong Kong
Join us in Hong Kong for our event, which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

Civic Education in the AI Age!


March 12 from 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Join us for an enlightening exploration into the intersection of Civic Education and Artificial Intelligence in the AI Age!

FISD Tokyo – March 14, 2024

March 14 from 3:30 - 8:00 p.m. @ Bloomberg
Join us in Tokyo for our event, which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

FISD Boston – March 21, 2024

March 21 from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ State Street
Hear from some of our active buy-side members, listen into a fireside chat about the institutional adoption of digital assets and learn about a recent acquisition in the market data world. Finally, come together for networking with old and new members to mingle over drinks and bites.

FISD Madrid – April 17, 2024

April 17 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ BME
FISD returns to Madrid for a jam-packed afternoon of thought leadership, panels, and networking. Details and registration coming soon.

FISD Toronto – April 17, 2024

April 17 from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. @ BMO, reception to follow
Join us at our Toronto spring event and as a follow-up to our Next Generation panel back in November, hear from the leaders in the industry about how they continually build, maintain and nurture their teams and what’s to come in the future. We will receive an update from the OSC on their real-time market data consultation and the next steps. Afterward, you’re invited to mingle with your colleagues at the Elephant & Castle nearby.

70th Annual Neal Awards

April 26 in New York, New York
SIIA’s Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious awards for business journalism and content creation. Now in its 70th year, the Neals honor the brightest, most tenacious, and innovative journalists, content creators, and designers for their passion and exceptional work.

FISD Chicago – May 1, 2024

May 1 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Morningstar
Join us in Chicago for our event which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

FISD LATAM – May 23, 2024

Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães, 700 – 10th floor

May 23 from 2:30 - 6:30 p.m. @ Rua Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães

AsiaFIC 2024

AsiaFIC 2024 takes place in Singapore from May 28 - 29
AsiaFIC is back with two full days of networking, thought leadership and engaging panels. The first day will take place at the Fairmont hotel with plenary sessions and exhibit booths. Day 2 is graciously hosted by SGX and includes the popular Engineering Stream and Constituent Group Meetings.

FISD New York Women’s Group & Allies – June 4, 2024

June 4 @ OTC Markets
Do you wish that you knew a few more people in this industry? Are you thinking of attending WFIC or one of the Issue Briefs later in the year but feel a little intimidated by the crowds? This is the event for you. Women’s Group & Allies activities foster a warm, collegial environment, and speed-networking will enable lots of new introductions. Bring your business cards or have your LinkedIn at the ready. Women’s Group & Allies events are open to all FISD members.

FISD New York – June 6, 2024

June 6 from 3:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Come join us for our Q2 event at Citi to hear about some of the latest market data trends and what is in store for the second half of 2024. The program will conclude with a chance to network with your FISD colleagues to build upon both old and new connections.

FISD London – June 25, 2024

June 25 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Goldman Sachs
Don’t miss the FISD London event hosted by Goldman Sachs, as our program will include and debate some of the industry challenges that we all face. We promise you some tasty discussion with some useful lessons learned.
Directly after the meeting, we cordially invite you to our extensive networking cocktail reception, where we look forward to connecting with you once again.

FISD Bengaluru – July 3, 2024

July 3 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. @ Goldman Sachs
Join FISD for its first-ever India event. This event is free for members and nonmembers, space is limited.

FISD LATAM 3 Day In-Person FIA Training Course

August 5, 6, and 8, 2024 from 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. @ Banco BTG Pactual
We are offering a three-day training to FISD FIA Certification in presence, with Maria Eugenia Cruz professor - FISD, and hosted at Banco BTG Pactual in Brazil.

FISD Tokyo – September 5, 2024

September 5 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ Deutsche Bank
Join us in Tokyo for our event, which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

FISD Tokyo Masterclass – September 5, 2024

September 5 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. @ Deutsche Bank
A Masterclass on data inventory management and cataloguing systems where we’ll be explaining the what, why and how of these systems. This is intended as a generic primer on best practices and lessons learned for anyone seeking to implement such systems and/or to fine tune how they operate.

The World Financial Information Conference

WFIC 2024 takes place in Austin, Texas from September 15 - 18
Join more than 600 industry peers from 40 countries at the 16th biennial World Financial Information Conference, the only global event that focuses on the sourcing, compliance and delivery of financial information.

Neal Awards – Early Nominations Open

October 7, 2024
Early nominations are open for the 71st SIIA Neal Awards, the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism.

FISD London Rising Stars – October 17, 2024

October 17 from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. @ Commerzbank
FISD Rising Stars are gathering in London for the first time since 2019. Join us for an evening of interactive programming and networking. This is a great event for those new to market data and looking to grow in the financial information field.

FISD London – October 24, 2024

October 24 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Google
Join us in London for our event which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

FISD Singapore – October 24, 2024

October 24, 2024 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ Expand
FISD is hosting our event in Singapore for a fantastic program on market data trends, data cost optimization strategies, DORA, and more.

FISD Frankfurt – November 6, 2024

November 6 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Commerzbank
FISD is proud to host its second Frankfurt event, hosted by Commerzbank, at their city centre location in the tower building, where there are breath-taking views over the city and far beyond.

FISD Hong Kong – November 14, 2024

November 14 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ Bloomberg
Join us in Hong Kong at Bloomberg's auditorium to learn from and network with prominent market data professionals.

FISD Sydney – November 19, 2024

November 19 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ Macquarie Uni
Our autumn event in Sydney, complete with a robust program and fantastic networking opportunities.

FISD Sydney Master Class – November 19, 2024

November 19, 2024 10:00am - 12:00 p.m. @ National Australia Bank Sydney
A Master Class on data inventory management and cataloguing systems where we’ll be explaining the what, why and how of these systems. This is intended as a generic primer on best practices and lessons learned for anyone seeking to implement such systems and/or to fine tune how they operate.

FISD London 3 Day In-Person FIA Training Course

November 26-28, 2024 from 9:00 - 2:00 p.m. @ Investec
This three day training course will provide you with all the knowledge and materials needed to pass the FIA Certification exam.

FISD London Engineering Stream – December 2, 2024

123 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 9SH 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London, United Kingdom

December 2 from 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. @ Google
Close out your year with Engineering Stream in London! This full day of panels, presentations, and networking will be the perfect opportunity to touch base with the market data engineering community before we reach 2025.

FISD New York: Holiday Party – Dec. 5, 2024

December 5 from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ Google
FISD's final event of 2024, our yearly holiday party in New York. Join us at the beautiful St. John's Terminal space and enjoy the member insights and thought leadership, network with fellow FISD members, and best of all, see New York in all its winter splendor!

2025 BIMS Early Bird Registration Closing

January 10, 2025
Join us for the 2025 Business Information & Media Summit, which brings together the brightest minds in media, publishing, and information industries to redefine the future of our industry.

FISD New York Rising Stars – February 5, 2025

February 5, 2025 from 2:30 - 6:30 p.m. @ OTC Markets
This workshop will give you a crash-course in Crucial Conversations, and teach you the essential skills needed to have these tough conversations.

FISD New York – February 6, 2025

February 6, 2025 from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ LSEG
Enjoy the beautiful views from LSEG’s downtown location in NYC. Hear a panel discussing the impacts of round the clock trading, get some insights into the regulatory environment in 2025, and learn about a few of our new members that have joined FISD. Registration is now open so confirm your spot today!

FISD Amsterdam – February 13, 2025

February 13, 2025 @ Euronext
Join us to explore the latest trends and challenges continuously shaping the financial industry. Discover how technology is driving innovation, the latest encounters on DORA and the European Consolidated Tape; and more fun and insight into the unpredictable and exciting world of crypto. Registration is now open!

FISD India – March 4, 2025

March 4, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. @ LSEG
Our first APAC and India event of 2025 will cover the changes in the Market Data Operations role, new and exciting developments in data-as-a-service, and insights on the use of AI/ML tools at a major data vendor.

CEO Council Meeting – March


March 5
Join the CEO Council: Empowering B2B Media CEOs with Strategic Guidance and Unparalleled Networking Opportunities

FISD Hong Kong – March 11, 2025

March 11, 2025 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ HSBC
Following up on a very exciting Q4 event, join us for updates on Quant Trading in China, 5x24 Trading in the US and developments in the Data-Related Outsourcing.

FISD Tokyo – March 13, 2025

March 13, 2025 from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. @ JPMorgan
The first Japan event of 2025 has an interesting mix of topics ranging from JGB Data Infrastructure to Open Symbology and Efficiency in the Data Management space.

FISD Boston – March 13, 2025

March 13, 2025 from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ Fidelity
Our second Boston event offers exciting panels on AI in 2025 and Rising Stars.

2025 BIMS

March 26-28, 2025
Join us for the 2025 Business Information & Media Summit, which brings together the brightest minds in media, publishing, and information industries to redefine the future of our industry.

71st Annual Neal Awards

May 16, 2025
Join us for the celebration of the 71st SIIA Neal Awards, the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism.

AsiaFIC 2025

AsiaFIC 2025 takes place in Singapore from May 29 - 30
FISD’s annual AsiaFIC conference returns. Now in its third year, AsiaFIC convenes 300+ financial information leaders and decision makers for a day of traditional conference programming followed by a day of meetings, Engineering Stream workshops, and a themed networking lunch. Registration for AsiaFIC 2025 will open in January.

FISD London – June 12, 2025

June 12, 2025 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Goldman Sachs
Don’t miss the FISD London event hosted by Goldman Sachs, as our program will include and debate some of the industry challenges that we all face. We promise you some tasty discussion with some useful lessons learned.
Directly after the meeting, we cordially invite you to our extensive networking cocktail reception, where we look forward to connecting with you once again.

FISD London – September 10, 2025

September 10, 2025 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Google
Join us in London for our event which will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts. After the program, catch up with your colleagues and make new contacts during our networking reception.

FISD Frankfurt – October 22, 2025

October 22, 2025 from 2:30 - 7:00 p.m. @ Commerzbank
FISD is proud to host its annual Frankfurt event at Commerzbank's city centre location in the tower building where there are breath-taking views over the city and far beyond.

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