April 7 @ 4:00 - 7:30PM US Eastern Time
As the effects of Omicron fade, employees at many firms are returning to in-person work. In this panel discussion, speakers representing diverse viewpoints within the industry will opine on how this is affecting their firms, and their clients.
April 12 @ 3:00 - 5:00PM Singapore Time
Join us for a late afternoon virtual gathering to catch up with other Asia/Australia-based FISD members. While we won’t be able to share handshakes, New Year greetings or hugs, this informal meeting will allow registrants to connect via video and/or audio.
April 21@ 1:30 - 7:15PM Dutch Time
Join FISD for an evening in Amsterdam and learn about Crypto Disruptors to Market Data, Contract Clarity, and Innovation in the field. Enjoy hearing from, and networking with, thought leaders.