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April 29 @ 1:00pm - 2:00pm US Eastern Time

Content metrics and which ones publishers should focus on continue to matter greatly—and only get more varied as our platforms advance. It used to be having a high open rate and few unsubscribes would allow you a good night’s sleep. Now time-on-page, page views, scroll depth, article scores, shares, printouts and even absence can all keep you up at night.

We will ask three publishers across the AM&P Network spectrum how they are viewing metrics in 2021 and using that information and data to grow. Join us as welcome speakers from Industry Dive, American Chemical Society and Money-Media for this fascinating discussion.

Free for members |  $199 for non-members


Davide Savenije

Editor-in-Chief, Industry Dive

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Dorea Reeser

Senior Audience Engagement Editor, Chemical & Engineering News, American Chemical Society

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Melissa Anderson

Managing Editor, Agenda, Money-Media, A Financial Times Company

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Sondra Hadden

Senior Director of Audience Growth Marketing & Retention, Industry Dive

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