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June 24 @ 10:00am - 11:30am US Eastern Time

Members: FREE | Non-Members: $200

This session will briefly repeat the key principles and arguments for this initiative – but predominantly it will update the wider community on progress to date and present ideas for the way forwards, with an additional and necessary focus on the obstacles, objections and difficulties that can’t be shied away from.


FISD has facilitated discussions on Digital Rights Management (perhaps better described as Rights Automation) since the very beginning of 2019, culminating at WFIC October 2019 in Vancouver. This topic is complex, difficult, and time consuming – but it has the potential to alleviate considerable friction within and between FISD member firms. There is palpably no quick fix.

This session is scheduled for 90 minutes. The first 60 minutes will present as a Webinar – however, the final 30 minutes will operate as a Zoom Meeting with participants able to be seen and heard by presenters ie questions can be voiced live not sent via written Q&A. This is intended to provide a more interactive experience.

10:00-10:05 a.m.  FISD Opening

David Anderson, FIA, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

10:05-10:20 a.m.  Project updates and demonstrations

  • VIDEO DEMO - Ben Whittam Smith, Deontic Data: What's rights automation and why do we need it?
  • LIVE - Mark Bird, DataBP: Introducing the market data profile for ODRL
  • VIDEO DEMO - Atiq Khan, Goldman Sachs: Redistribution - Automating the enforcement of Consent, Attribution, and Disclaimer Duties
  • VIDEO DEMO - Michelle Roberts, JP Morgan: A system for capturing our rights and obligations over data

10:20 a.m.-11:00 a.m.  Panel  Discussion          

Senior leaders of firms at the forefront of this initiative discuss their experiences to date, including the benefits they perceive they have accrued, and the costs and time taken to achieve this. In the spirit of devil’s advocacy this group, who are at the beating heart of this project, will describe the difficulties they have already seen and what they see as obstacles still to overcome in the future. This session will be practical, pragmatic, and informative. Join us and hear the highs and the lows of this important project.


Jo Rabin, Head of Technology, Innovation UKI, Deutsche Bank


Ben Whittam Smith, Founder, Deontic Data

Steve Case, Global Head, Data Acquisition & Rights Management, Data & Analytics, London Stock Exchange Group

John Chappell, Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Alistair Kerr, Executive Director, JP Morgan

11:00 a.m.-11:25 a.m.  Interactive Q&A    

Please do not hold back in this interactive session – we seek vocal and passionate supporters to voice that support. Equally, we ask the skeptics out there to articulate that skepticism in the most forthright, but respectful and courteous manner. Lets hear as many opinions as we can on this topic.

11:25 a.m.-11:30 a.m.  FISD Closing Remarks 


Steve Case

Global Head, Data Acquisition & Rights Management, Data & Analytics, London Stock Exchange Group

Bio →

Michelle Roberts

Market Data Strategy and Compliance, JP Morgan

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Mark Bird

Co-Founder, DataBP

Bio →

John Chappell

Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Bio →

Jo Rabin

Head of Technology, Innovation UKI, Deutsche Bank

Bio →

David Anderson

Program Director, FISD/Atradia

Bio →

Ben Whittam Smith

Founder, Deontic Data

Bio →

Atiq Khan

Head of Software Engineering for Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Bio →

Alistair Kerr

Global Head of Market Data Services, JP Morgan

Bio →

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