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September 15 @ 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. Sydney Time

Morningstar Sydney 
Level 3, International Tower 1
100 Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney NSW 2000

Members – Free, Non-members – $200

Our program will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts.  After the program, catch up (in person) with your colleagues and make new contacts.

FISD takes COVID-19 very seriously.  FISD will comply with local and national government rules – and the rules/policies of the venue. 


3:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Registration and Networking

4:00 - 4:05 p.m.

FISD Welcome & Housekeeping

4:05 - 4:10 p.m.

Host Welcome

4:10 - 4:55 p.m. 

Claims of irresponsible ESG  - from a Responsible Investment Officer

A head of Responsible Investing shocked the investment world when he said that short-term “green” investment products undermined ESG impact measurement. Will companies “walk the ESG talk” -  substantiated by comprehensive and qualitative data to support their commitment?

    • Does the argument have any merit that investment duration / product horizon conflicts with measuring/qualifying ESG impact?
    • What does the data show?  What fund flows are we seeing among institutional and retail investors between traditional and ESG funds? 
    • Will companies create “good ESG / bad ESG” entities? Is this “ethical” or opportunistic?
    • Are more regulatory mandates needed?

Pablo Berruttí, Senior Investment Specialist, Stewart Investors

Erica Hall, ESG Analyst, Morningstar

Kate Turner, Global Head of Responsible Investment, First Sentier

4:55 - 5:20 p.m.

Your bond sent a message; it has a new owner.

The majority of trading in equities and FX markets has moved off screens to algos.  Can Fixed Interest/Income make the move to automated trading in Asia/Pacific?  

  • Electronification of the Australian/NZ fixed income markets & interest rate markets – where are we seeing acceleration and why?
  • From a Market Data perspective what is needed to facilitate/accelerate the move to automated trading
  • Where are key venues and data providers looking to assist customers with specific tools and initiatives out of Australia specifically
  • What are some of the other locals trends/changes in Fixed Income Market Data

Ray Anderson, Head of Australia and New Zealand, ICE Data Services

Nimesh Bharadia, COO, Asia Pacific  -  Data & Optimization

Emily Turner, Head of Market Data, Yieldbroker,

5:20 - 5:50 p.m.

Delivering on the promise of cloud for market data – perspectives from the EU and US on how cloud is lowering TCO and increasing the pace of innovation in real-time and reference data.

Jason West, Director, Real-Time Refinitiv Managed Services, Refinitiv

Matt Eddy, Director, Real-Time Customer Managed Services, Refinitiv

5:50 - 5:55 p.m. 

Member Introduction - Alveo

5:55 - 6:00 p.m.

FISD Update

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Cocktail Reception & Networking


Ray Anderson

Head of Australia and New Zealand, ICE Data Services

Bio →

Pablo Berrutti

Senior Investment Specialist, Stewart Investors

Bio →

Nimesh Bharadia

COO, Kaimian

Bio →

Matt Eddy

Director, Real-Time Customer Managed Services, Refinitiv

Bio →

Kate Turner

Deputy Global Head of Responsible Investment, First Sentier Investors

Bio →

Jason West

Director, Real-Time Managed Distribution Services – Global Head, Refinitiv

Bio →

Erica Hall

ESG Analyst, Morningstar Australasia Pty Ltd

Bio →

Emily Turner

Head of Market Data, Yieldbroker

Bio →


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