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March 3 @ 1:45 - 8:00PM London Time

Members: FREE | Non-Members: $500

Our program will highlight thought leadership and member insights from prominent members and industry experts.  After the program, catch up (in person) with your colleagues and make new contacts.

FISD takes COVID-19 very seriously.  As much as possible, we will be spacing seating so that there is more distance between seats.  FISD will comply with local and national government rules – and the rules/policies of the venue.  We plan to organize the networking element of this event to create an environment that enables a high degree of individual choice.


1:45 PM – 2:15 PM

Registration and Networking

2:15 PM -2:25 PM

FISD Welcome Remarks

2: 25 PM – 2:35 PM

Host Welcome

Alistair Kerr, JP Morgan

2:35 PM – 2:40 PM

New Member Intro – EXABEL

Tim Barber – Chief Revenue Officer – Exabel

2:40 PM- 2:55 PM

Presentation – CJC hands-on with multicast in the cloud

A commonly held opinion about real-time market data in the cloud is that multicast is either not feasible, performant, or does not work. While opinions differ about the role of multicast in the next generation of data delivery solutions, it is undeniable that several critical current use cases rely on it. Subsequently, CJC has tested several different deployments in-depth and will present our thoughts, findings, and observations to the FISD attendees. 

Peter Williams, Chief Technology Officer, CJC

2:55 PM – 3:40 PM

Yes, we have Market Data in The Cloud – but what about REAL TIME?

Market Data in the Cloud is something all of us within the FISD community have been talking about for a few years now. There is some maturity to this topic, some hard tangible realty to it. Market Data in the Cloud is eminently doable in 2022. However, the question of REAL TIME market data in the Cloud is not so mature a topic and arguable not something that has, as yet been ‘done’ in anger. REAL TIME is a broad concept, and it encompasses a spectrum of latencies. The discussion here is about what has been done already, what outstanding demands from the business have not been addressed , what technical/engineering obstacles stand in that way – and what magnificent solutions are almost on hand, just over the midterm horizon – or still distant hopes.

Moderator: Peter Williams, Chief Technology Officer, CJC


Roland Anderson, Chief Technology Officer – Data & Analytics, Parameta Solutions

Bill Bierds, President & CBDO, BCC Group

Mike Bournes, Head of Business Development, Euronext

Nigel Phelan – JP Morgan

Dan Seal, Head of Product Strategy, Financial Markets, KX

3:40 PM – 3:55 PM


Market Data in the Cloud, who wants what, where?

The way the street is working with market data is evolving and the cloud has played a big part in that. Financial Services firms are experimenting with Calcs in the cloud, RT in the cloud, more managed services with analytics, value add on top of quality data. Refinitiv is partnering with CSP’s and clients alike to develop end to end solutions, not just products, and they want them quickly, securely and on budget with the flexibility quickly change and update as business needs dictate. The business users for these services have also changed. Today, expect to hear these requests coming from quants, business heads, compliance teams, risk teams, data scientists/engineers and bankers who code.

Jason West, Director, Real-Time Refinitiv Managed Distribution Services – Global Head, LSEG

3:55 PM – 4:25 PM

Coffee Break

4:25 PM – 4:40 PM

Data Distribution for the MultiCloud Generation

What is MultiCloud? Why is it important? What are the challenges to overcome? IPC presents their views and experiences of seeking to answer these questions.

Richard Balmer, Director, Network Product Management, IPC

4:40 PM – 5:15 PM

Women in Market Data Engineering

Gender diversity is critical across the whole range of job functions in the market data industry. However, market data engineering is worth a special focus. These interviewees will share their experiences working in this field in 2022, and explore what we as an industry can do to encourage more women into these technical/engineering roles.


Martina Satherlund, Programme Director – Global Head, Market Data, Fidelity International

An Interview with:

Rashmi Mishra, Vice President, Market Data Engineering, Goldman Sachs

Nina Swanwick, Director, Delivery and Distribution, LSEG

Sarah Wilson, Associate Software Engineer, JP Morgan

5:15 PM – 5:40 PM

Launch of the FISD Engineering CCG Sub-Group

FISD has created a brand-new Consumer Constituency Group (CCG) Subgroup – a group that will specifically focus on market data engineering. While this group is only open to consumer firm members at the outset, they expect to invite guest speakers over time – and could potentially broaden membership beyond only consumer firms. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan instigated this idea and will lead from the start – assisted of course by FISD facilitation.


David Anderson, Program Director, FISD/Atradia

An Interview with:

John Chappell, Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Alistair Kerr, Global Head of Market Data Services, JP Morgan

5:40 PM – 5:50 PM

FISD Closing

5:50 PM – 8:00 PM

Networking Reception


Tim Barber

Chief Revenue Officer, Exabel

Bio →

Richard Balmer

Director, Network Product Management, IPC

Bio →

Nina Swanwick

Director, Delivery and Distribution, LSEG

Bio →

Sarah Wilson

Associate Software Engineer, JP Morgan

Bio →

Mike Bournes, FIA, FIT

Business Development Manager, EuroCTP

Bio →

Bill Bierds

President, BCC Group

Bio →

Jason West

Director, Real-Time Managed Distribution Services – Global Head, Refinitiv

Bio →

Dan Seal

Head of Product Strategy, Financial Markets, KX

Bio →

Roland Anderson

Chief Technology Officer – Data Analytics, Parameta Solutions

Bio →

Martina Satherlund

Programme Director – Global Head, Market Data, Fidelity International

Bio →

Rashmi Mishra

VP, Market Data Engineering, Goldman Sachs

Bio →

Nigel Phelan

Chief Architect for the Market Data team, JP Morgan

Bio →

Alistair Kerr

Global Head of Market Data Services, JP Morgan

Bio →

Peter Williams, FIA

Chief Technology Officer, CJC

Bio →

David Anderson

Program Director, FISD/Atradia

Bio →


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