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Jan. 20, 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time

Free for All Access members ($5k and up)
$49 per session for Premium and Associations Council members;
$399 for all nine sessions $199 per session for non-members, $1499 for all nine sessions

Content isn‘t king—content that’s actually seen and read is king.

Erin Hallstrom, director of digital content at Putman Media’s Food Processing brand, kicks off our new editorial training series with a crash course on SEO best practices that will prep you and your team for success in 2022, including

*How to optimize headlines, decks and copy for a B2B or niche audiences so content doesn’t get caught in the ‘consumer web’

*Identifying which keywords to use and why keyword saturation is counterproductive

*How SEO best practices vary by platform (desktop, mobile, social)

*Specific examples of good SEO execution and recommendations for improvement


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