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October 13 @ 1:00PM. U.S. Eastern Time

Members – Free | Nonmembers $199

What Not to Do: Setting Content Priorities

It seems that everyone wants “more, more, more” in terms of content, but quantity is not necessarily a measurement of success. With a plethora of ideas and different expectations from various stakeholders from within an association, how do you figure out what to stop doing and what not to do and how to set priorities about which content projects are of the highest importance? Discover how some associations establish their content priorities effectively.


Hilary Marsh

Founder, President, Chief Strategist, Content Company

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Kelsey Casselbury

Content Director, School Nutrition Association

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Margaret Mitchell

Editor in Chief, Civil Engineering American Society of Civil Engineers

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Elena Loveland

Editor-in-Chief, Directorship magazine, National Association of Corporate Directors

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