Tips for Judges

  • Be Responsive to nominees. Life is busy now more than ever. Please respond to nominees as quickly as possible regarding scheduling a demo. If for any reason you are not able to continue judging, please notify the CODiE Awards Team immediately as well as each nominee assigned to you and your product assignments will be reassigned.
  • Plan ahead: Keep deadlines in mind so you are not scheduling demos or submitting scores at the last minute and please block your schedule for 1 hour for each demo.
  • Be proactive: Nominees are expected to contact you, but you are welcome to be proactive and contact them with a short introduction message and suggest dates and times that work for you for each one-hour demo. Outline your preferences on demo times, what you would like to focus on and how you’d like to receive information.
  • Be professional: Remember that you are representing an international and prestigious awards process. Your interaction with nominees before, during and after the demo should be respectful and professional.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Contact the CODiE Awards Team, immediately if you are uncomfortable or confused about what to do.
  • Keep an eye on time. Make sure you are clear and reconfirm when the demo begins and how long it will go. Each demo may be up to one hour long. If a nominee tries to schedule longer, please notify the awards director.
  • Complete your evaluations immediately. Don’t wait for days afterwards to enter your scores! Plan to take 15 minutes to enter them when they are fresh, right after the demo. Your scores play a large part 80% of the company’s score. Provide detailed high quality constructive feedback for the nominees to bring to their teams.
  • Be prepared. Familiarize yourself with the judging criteria and your assigned products BEFORE the demo. When judging the products skip any criteria that are not relevant to the product. The product will not be penalized. We recommend reviewing the judging criteria with the nominees before the presentation begins so everyone is on the same page.
  • Follow up with questions. Ask each assigned nominee how they would like clarifying questions handled throughout the presentation. Be sure to follow up via email on any additional questions you may have about the product to allow you to judge.
  • Tech check. Be sure you have the appropriate login and software to view the demo/ presentation. If you opt for a recorded demo, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to review the demo and complete your scores. 

Were you a CODiE judge? Share your advice.

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