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             Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Solution

There�s only one open platform at the convergence of analytics, data science and location intelligence workflows: the pioneer in accelerated analytics, OmniSci. The OmniSci platform is the first technology on the market that can query and render tens of billions of rows of spatiotemporal data within milliseconds, making large complex data sets interactive, visual and operational. OmniSci 5.0 is a game-changing innovation that makes analytics more instant, powerful and effortless. The company�s aim is to allow users to get answers to the biggest questions at the speed of curiosity. OmniSci 5.0 breaks new ground by converging multiple capabilities on a single platform, much as the original iPhone combined internet access, phone functions and music player capabilities on a single device. Also like that trailblazing device, OmniSci 5.0 has unleashed a wave of innovation by expanding possibilities. More than 4,000 users across the telecom, automotive, investment management, utilities, pharmaceuticals, national defense, logistics, insurance and oil and gas sectors use the OmniSci platform to leverage their analytics in real time at massive scale, and OmniSci 5.0 expands its capabilities. OmniSci 5.0 empowers users to easily add external data from partners and public data to existing datasets in OmniSci, providing analytical breadth and perspective. Its deep integration with the open-source data science ecosystem allows OmniSci to offer users the ability to switch from interactive exploration of multi-billion row datasets to building and applying machine learning models seamlessly. This capability provides greater depth of insight with unmatched speed and agility.