2022 Leadership Categories

Leadership categories recognize outstanding companies, individuals and teams. Each Leadership nominee is required to include either a pre-recorded video or written response with their nomination - the leadership categories are judged based on the information submitted in the nomination. Leadership categories differ from product categories in that nominees do not schedule a live demo.

Ed Tech Leadership Categories

Recognizes the company, school, tool, platform, program or service that has gone above and beyond to positively impact the education, health and wellbeing of the students. Be sure to outline how the positive impact was achieved and show measurable outcomes.

Entries will be evaluated based on the information provided in the written and/ or video nomination entry. Support with data and examples where appropriate.

Judges will be looking for:

  • How well did the nominee go above and beyond to support students?
  • What made the nominee’s response unique?
  • How effective was the response in positively impacting students? Did the response benefit learners and on what scale? Support with examples.
  • Did the measurable impact from the nominee´s response cause sustainable long-term changes and/or benefits?

Recognizes the company, school, tool, platform, program or service that is making a significant impact to support or expand educational opportunities to communities in greatest need. Areas include but are not limited to improved access to fresh and healthy food, transportation, mental health resources, childcare, tutoring, safety, internet/ connectivity, course materials, supplies etc. Be sure to outline how the positive impact was achieved and show measurable outcomes.

Entries will be evaluated based on the information provided in the written and/ or video nomination entry. Support with data and examples where appropriate.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Impact – To what extent did the nominee go above and beyond for students? What was the impact? 
  • Innovative – Was it unique in approach?
  • Effectiveness – How effective was the response in positively impacting students? Did the response benefit learners and on what scale? Support with examples.
  • Sustainability – Were there measurable long-term changes seen within the community as a result of the effort? What plans are in place to sustain and expand the effort?

Recognizes the tool, platform, or service that supports educators in adopting a solution effectively with superior customer service and support. Experience may include help-desk services, live chat, social media tools, training/learning that is included in the purchase of the solution, etc.

Entries will be evaluated based on the information provided in the written and/ or video nomination entry. Support your entry with data and examples where appropriate. It is also helpful to provide solution access if possible.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Customer Satisfaction- Is the support well crafted and easy to navigate? How satisfied are educators with the customer service they receive according to surveys and feedback?
  • Issue resolution- When an educator reports a confirmable issue with the solution, how quickly is the issue rectified? What level of technical assistance is provided to educators?
  • Quality of Self-Serve Help Materials- Does the company provide materials for an educator or administrator to get their own answers (i.e. FAQs, videos, forum)?
  • Quality of Support– Does the educator have an excellent experience when contacting customer service to receive the support they need? Does the company proactively provide customer support related activities (Notifications etc.)
  • Response Times for Support Inquiries- How quickly does the company reply to emails and live chats? What are the wait times when calling?  
  • Technological advances- What cutting-edge technologies have been leveraged to improve response times, technical support and training (AI, chatbots, VR, etc.)?

Recognizes the best education technology product that supports remote learning for higher education. This includes all asynchronous and synchronous learning applications, learning management systems, network services, hardware, and school administrative applications.

Judges will be looking for:

  • How well does the product support distance learning/ hybrid learning?
  • How well does the product respond to the transition from in person to distance or hybrid learning and how well does it support the transition back to in person learning?  Does the product offer unique solutions that make the transition easier?
  • How well does the product help students learn in a distance and/or hybrid environment?
  • How well does the product help administrators manage in a distance and/or hybrid environment?
  • How well does the product help the school address equity issues around distance/ hybrid learning?
  • How well does the product help teachers teach, and manage, in a distance and/or hybrid environment?

Recognizes the best education technology product that supports remote learning for grades PK-12. This includes all asynchronous and synchronous learning applications, learning management systems, network services, hardware, and school administrative applications.

Judges will be looking for:

  • How well does the product support distance learning/ hybrid learning?
  • How well does the product respond to the transition from in person to distance or hybrid learning and how well does it support the transition back to in person learning?  Does the product offer unique solutions that make the transition easier?
  • How well does the product help students learn in a distance and/or hybrid environment?
  • Does the product help support parents or guardians of students in a distance and/or hybrid environment?
  • How well does the product help administrators manage in a distance and/or hybrid environment?
  • How well does the product help the school address equity issues around distance/ hybrid learning?
  • How well does the product help teachers teach, and manage, in a distance and/or hybrid environment?

Honors the Ed Tech company that best demonstrates clear, positive and sustained impact in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).  Be sure to provide details and show measurable outcomes.

Entries will be evaluated based on the information provided in the written and/ or video nomination entry. Support with data and examples where appropriate.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Awareness – How did the company effectively increase the awareness of DEI.
  • Opportunities – How did the company demonstrate excellence in advancing opportunities for women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and/or individuals with disabilities both within the company and among students? Provide examples and impact data where possible.
  • Reach – How did the company work with fellow members of the Ed Tech community, associations and/or other partners to expand DEI opportunities and eliminate the barriers for students from underrepresented populations?
  • Best Practices – Did the company implement DEI practices, policies, resources, and tools, to ensure DEI best practices were sustained?

Honors the Education technology executive who has demonstrated significant leadership through strategy, financial accomplishments, ability to attract and retain talent, etc. resulting in the success of the company, its employees and the community over the past year.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Demonstrated outstanding leadership characteristics throughout the year and has inspired others to achieve similar success.
  • Innovative in approach and meeting the moment.
  • Has achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.over the past year.
  • Has demonstrated a strong connection to the Tech community.

The Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates individuals who have made significant long-term contributions to the Education industry – and are renowned for their reputation, leadership, vision, mentorship, career success and philanthropy.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Active in the community for 20+ years. 
  • Has shown outstanding leadership characteristics throughout their career and has inspired others to achieve similar success.
  • Has achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.
  • Engagement with industry associations i.e. SIIA Education.
  • Has demonstrated a strong connection to the Ed Tech community.

Business Technology Leadership Categories

Honors the company that best adapted their business model over the past year by creating new value, exceeding customer and employee support, and evolving with the rapid shift in environment.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Profitability – Did the company take a unique approach to attracting new customers and increasing profits?
  • Client experience – Did the company exceed customer’s expectations throughout the pivot?
  • Employee support – How well did the company adapt to support employees throughout the pivot?
  • Overall support – How well did the company adapt to the rapidly shifting environment?
  • Value proposition – How well did the company create new value for customers?

Honors the Technology company that best demonstrates clear, positive and sustained impact in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).  Be sure to provide details and show measurable outcomes.

Entries will be evaluated based on the information provided in the written and/ or video nomination entry. Support with data and examples where appropriate.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Awareness – How did the company effectively increase the awareness of DEI.
  • Opportunities – How did the company demonstrate excellence in advancing opportunities for women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and/or individuals with disabilities both within the company and among students? Provide examples and impact data where possible.
  • Reach – How did the company work with fellow members of the Tech community, associations and/or other partners to expand DEI opportunities and eliminate the barriers for students from underrepresented populations?
  • Best Practices – Did the company implement DEI practices, policies, resources, and tools, to ensure DEI best practices were sustained?

Honors the technology executive who has demonstrated significant leadership through strategy, financial accomplishments, ability to attract and retain talent, etc. resulting in the success of the company, its employees and the community over the past year.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Demonstrates outstanding leadership characteristics and has inspired others to achieve similar success throughout the year.
  • Innovative in approach and meeting the moment.
  • Has achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.over the past year.
  • Has demonstrated a strong connection to the Tech community.

Recognizes the company that, over the recent 12-month period, has realized significant growth in revenue, proven to have a strong company culture, and demonstrated a commitment to the community.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Business excellence – evidenced through leadership, vision and business achievements over the past year.
  • Innovative culture – company demonstrates having an outstanding company culture that inspires teams to achieve success.
  • Company has a strong connection to the Tech community.
  • Results – did the company demonstrate outstanding results throughout the year?

Recognizes the client success team that has significantly contributed to the success of their organization through innovation, creating a customer-centric culture, and going above and beyond to directly impact the success of their customers.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Client Satisfaction- is the team able to demonstrate superior client satisfaction via renewal rates, referrals, retention etc? 
  • Culture – does the company have a strong, unique, customer-centric culture? 
  • Above and beyond – Does the company go above and beyond to exceed client expectations and help them grow?  
  • Innovation – is the team adaptive in their customer approach in order to meet the needs of customers currently?
  • Communication – does the team demonstrate strong consistent communication with customers to build trust and engagement? Does the nominee welcome and act on client feedback?

Recognizes the team that has achieved excellence in marketing by helping to position the company as an industry leader through creating outstanding customer experiences, impacting the culture of the organization, innovative thinking and use of technologies, showcasing collaboration and teamwork and driving amazing results.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Leadership & Vision – Was the team effective in helping position the company as an industry leader? Did it contribute to the advancement of the industry overall?
  • Strategy – Did the team meet the moment and develop a unique effective strategy to drive results? 
  • Innovation – Did the team take creative approaches to marketing problem solving and communications?
  • Collaboration – Did the team showcase outstanding collaboration and teamwork both within the company and with outside partners to drive results both?
  • Results – Did the team show measurable marketing results?

Recognizes the product team that has significantly contributed to the success of their organization through implementation of strategy, roadmap, and feature definition for a product or product line.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Leadership & Vision – Was the team effective in helping position the company as an industry leader through product development? Did the team contribute to the advancement of the industry overall?
  • Strategy – Did the team meet the moment and develop a unique effective strategy to drive results? 
  • Innovation – Did the team take creative approaches to feature definition of the product line and problem solving? 
  • Collaboration – Did the team showcase outstanding collaboration and teamwork both within the company and with outside partners to drive results both?
  • Results – Did the team show measurable results?

The Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates individuals who have made significant long-term contributions to the tech industry – and are renowned for their reputation, leadership, vision, mentorship, career success and philanthropy.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Active in the community for 20+ years. 
  • Has shown outstanding leadership characteristics throughout their career and has inspired others to achieve similar success.
  • Has achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.
  • Has demonstrated a strong connection to the Tech community.