2024 Business Technology
Product & Leadership Categories

To view complete product description and judging criteria, click on the + next to the category.

Honors the Best Advancement in Cybersecurity that stands as an exemplar of innovation and excellence in the realm of cybersecurity, fortifying digital landscapes and elevating the security posture of individuals, organizations and societies. Their visionary contributions have catalyzed transformative advancements that have shaped the way we perceive, confront, and mitigate cyber threats.

  • Achievement: Does the product elevate overall performance compared to rivals or previous solutions?
  • Impact: What specific needs does the product uniquely address? What quandaries does it effectively resolve?
  • User-Friendliness: Does the product exhibit simplicity in installation? Are the product’s features transparent and user-friendly for acquisition and operation? Can the product expand seamlessly to accommodate expansion?
  • Utility: Does the product deliver on its promises? Does it offer more substantial or more advantageous utility than its counterparts in its category?
  • Value: Does the product present an economically viable solution? Can its return on investment be easily substantiated
  • Ethical: Commitment to responsible AI, data privacy, and transparency sets a commendable precedent for the ethical development and deployment of cybersecurity solutions.

The AI – FinTech Award acknowledges outstanding achievements at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Financial Technology (FinTech), celebrating entities that have harnessed the power of AI to revolutionize financial services, reshape industry norms, and enhance customer experiences. This award pays tribute to innovations that have propelled the financial sector into the era of intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making.

  • Achievement: Does the product elevate overall performance compared to rivals or previous solutions?
  • Impact: What specific needs does the product uniquely address? What quandaries does it effectively resolve?
  • User-Friendliness: Does the product exhibit simplicity in installation? Are the product’s features transparent and user-friendly for acquisition and operation? Can the product expand seamlessly to accommodate expansion?
  • Utility: Does the product deliver on its promises? Does it offer more substantial or more advantageous utility than its counterparts in its category?
  • Value: Does the product present an economically viable solution? Can its return on investment be easily substantiated
  • Ethical: Must demonstrate responsible and ethical use of AI, ensuring transparency, fairness, and unbiased decision-making in all financial processes.

Recognizes the best native artificial intelligence, machine or deep learning solution, platform or product that learns, performs and excels at specific automated tasks.

  • Automation of functions – How well does the solution save the user time and energy, making their job more straightforward, allowing employees to work more efficiently and productively? How well does the AI have the ability to do things humans can’t do?
  • Ease of implementation – What level of training data or annotation (if any) is required by users in order to make the AI perform as needed
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas, or features?
  • Learn – How well does the system grow subject matter expertise in your apps/ systems? To what extent does the system get smarter over time? Does the system have the ability to improve itself over time?
  • Platform flexibility and accessibility – Is the solution made available through the delivery platforms appropriate to the target audience and use?
  • Proprietary – Are the algorithms used developed in-house? If yes, rate 10.
  • Relevance to a target audience -Does the product effectively solve a specific market need?
  • Replication – Can automation be applied to different scenarios? For example, can accounting automation be replicated in procurement?
  • Scalability/Time Savings – To the extent that the AI is designed to enable increased scale or time savings, how effectively does it accomplish that
  • Usability – Can the user quickly and efficiently interact with the product features to achieve their desired result?

Honors the best AI solution in Healthcare Management Software – Applications designed for healthcare providers, hospitals, and medical practices that assist in patient management, electronic health records (EHR), billing, and compliance with industry regulations like HIPAA. AKA Vertical Market Applications or Vertical-Specific Applications. Software or technology solutions that are designed and tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of the Healthcare Industry. These applications are developed to address the unique challenges, processes, and workflows that are characteristic of the Healthcare Vertical Market.

  • Achievement: Does the product elevate overall performance compared to rivals or previous solutions?
  • Impact: What specific needs does the product uniquely address? What quandaries does it effectively resolve?
  • User-Friendliness: Does the product exhibit simplicity in installation? Are the product’s features transparent and user-friendly for acquisition and operation? Can the product expand seamlessly to accommodate expansion?
  • Utility: Does the product deliver on its promises? Does it offer more substantial or more advantageous utility than its counterparts in its category?
  • Value: Does the product present an economically viable solution? Can its return on investment be easily substantiated?

Recognizes the best solution for reporting and analyzing actionable intelligence from massive data sets containing a variety of data types.

  • Analytics – How well does the solution evaluate and provide insights into business processes. May include, drill down, data exploration and multi-dimensional analysis.
  • Customization – Is this solution customizable?
  • Data performance – How quickly and reliably is the data transferred to/from devices or resources?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented? Does it automatically scale the infrastructure as needed?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – Can the solution easily integrate data from a variety of sources
  • Performance management – How well does the platform allow you to track, monitor and drive performance
  • Scalability – Is the infrastructure scalable?
  • Security – Does the solution offer adequate security features? May include user privileges, fraud detection/prevention, regulatory compliance, and ability to mask PIIs from the data being processed etc.
  • Visualization – Does the solution organize data insights into a format that can be easily configured, shared and interpreted.

Recognizes the best information solution that helps business professionals with their daily job functions including strategy, business development, sales, marketing, research or other corporate functions. Solutions could include business and industry news, market research, business directories, company/ industry information, executive profiles, financial data, analyst reports, vertical segment information, competitive intelligence, etc.

  • Analytics – How well does the solution evaluate and provide insights into business processes. May include, drill down, data exploration and multi-dimensional analysis.
  • Customization – Is this solution customizable?
  • Data performance – How quickly and reliably is the data transferred to/from devices or resources?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented? Does it automatically scale the infrastructure as needed?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – Can the solution easily integrate data from a variety of sources
  • Performance management – How well does the platform allow you to track, monitor and drive performance
  • Scalability – Is the infrastructure scalable?
  • Security – Does the solution offer adequate security features? May include user privileges, fraud detection/prevention, regulatory compliance, and ability to mask PIIs from the data being processed etc.
  • Visualization – Does the solution organize data insights into a format that can be easily configured, shared and interpreted.

Recognizes the best solution that supports decision making in a business process by providing analysis, information delivery and platform integration.

  • Analytics – Evaluating and providing insights into business processes. May include drill down, data exploration and multi-dimensional analysis.
  • Customization – Is this solution customizable?
  • Data performance – How quickly and reliably is the data transferred to/from devices or resources?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – Can the solution easily integrate data from a variety of sources
  • Performance management – How well does the platform allow you to track, monitor and drive performance
  • Scalability – Is the infrastructure scalable?
  • Security – Does the solution offer adequate security features? May include user privileges, fraud detection/prevention, regulatory compliance and privacy.
  • Visualization – Reports to help organize data insights into a format that can be easily configured, shared and interpreted.

Recognizes the best compliance solution to address regulatory rules, ethics, sustainability and governance. The winning solution provides audit, risk and compliance solutions and/or expert insights that enable businesses to connect regulatory developments with internal policy systems, organizational risks and controls, and regulatory training.

  • Audit Trail Management – What level of audit trail is maintained?
  • Content depth and accuracy – Does this product address the depth of information required to serve the audience
  • Customization – Is the level of customization appropriate to the audience and use case presented
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features
  • Interoperability – Where appropriate with respect to the audience and use case, can this product be integrated with other relevant systems?
  • Platform flexibility and accessibility – Is the solution made available through the delivery platforms appropriate to the target audience?
  • Regulatory – Does this solution build to address the regulation?
  • Regulatory Support – How well does the system support regulatory requirements
  • Relevance to target audience -Does the product effectively solve a specific market need
  • Significance of innovation – Is the solution likely to cause significant change for its users
  • Usability – Can the user easily and efficiently interact with the product features to achieve their desired result?

Honors the software solution that best manages construction projects, resources, and teams to increase efficiency and productivity.

  • Ease of implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Ease of use in the field – How well does the solution provide anywhere access from any device? Can the solution work with or without internet connection? How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction
  • Functionality – Does the solution allow the team to bridge the gap between the onsite construction crew, project owner, and other stakeholders in real time?
  • Open integrations – Can this product be integrated with other relevant systems?
  • Reporting – How robust are the dashboards and reporting capabilities?

Recognizes the best tool, platform or service that allows users to sort through vast amounts of content and present it in a meaningful and organized way. Solutions allow users to arrange, display, collect, organize, co-create, share, search and manipulate content.

  • Automation – How well does the platform let you automate certain activities
  • Collaboration – How well does the platform allow you to collaborate with other curators or co-create content
  • Customization / personalization – Is the level of customization appropriate to the audience?
  • Data and reporting – How robust are the reporting features?
  • Extensibility and integration – How easy is it for an enterprise to enhance the platform and/or plug it into existing content creation/distribution platforms?
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Platform curation flexibility – Is the platform capable of curating anything with a URL or is it limited to a few different tools?
  • Share – Does the platform make it easy to share and manipulate content
  • Usability – Can the user easily achieve their desired results?

Recognizes the Best CDP marketer-managed system that offers a persistent, unified customer database that is accessible to other systems. The winning CDP should create a comprehensive view of each customer by capturing data from multiple systems, linking information related to the same customer, and storing the information to track behavior over time. The CDP contains personal identifiers used to target marketing messages and track individual-level marketing results, offering marketing teams relevant insights needed to run marketing campaigns.

  • Data Collection – How robust is the data that the CDP can natively collect? How difficult is it to capture custom audience/behavioral data?
  • Data latency – how quickly does the data get manipulated within the CDP?
  • Data Science – In what ways does the CDP incorporate data science concepts like machine learning and automatic optimization?
  • Ease of Use – Can the user easily achieve their desired results? Is the UI intuitive and easy to navigate? Is the platform easy to learn for tech and non-tech users alike?
  • Export and Import – How well does the CDP import and export data out of its platform? How many methodologies are available to the marketer to do so
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – How well does the CDP support/ integrate third party tools? How robust is the customer support in implementing the CDP?
  • Persistent IDs – How well does the system associate old and new data for a customer/visitor when there is a change in the associated identifier (email address, phone number, account ID, etc.)? How well does the CDP create and maintain a persistent ID
  • Reporting and analytics – How robust are the native tools for reporting results?
  • Scale of Data – What is the scale of data that can be ingested/ orchestrated on an ongoing basis?

Honors the best customer education or extended enterprise Learning Management System (LMS) that provides innovative, engaging solutions for external-facing customer, partner, or professional training programs.

  • Access – Is the platform accessible from devices with out-of-date operating software? Is there offline support for consuming content? Can a company control the amount of access the user has?
  • Customization – Is the system customizable to meet user needs and educational outcomes?
  • Design flexibility – Does the solution offer a similarly feature-rich user experience regardless of the platform?
  • Ease of use- How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of external-facing learners? Does the LMS provide native ecommerce, multi-instance, or other features that are designed for external-facing learners?
  • Innovation – is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – Does it provide simple methods for effectively integrating the platform with a company’s other services and data
  • Positive impact – Does the system either include assessment capabilities or integrate easily with assessment tools? Does the tool increase customer experience and increase ROI
  • Reports – Will the system produce useful reports for external-facing learning business owners and users? Are these reports customizable, exportable, and flexible?
  • Security – Is the customer data and information secure? Does the product offer SSO, individual or group access?

Recognizes the best tool, platform, or service that helps businesses enhance their customer service and support. Includes help-desk services, live chat, social media tools, technology enabled service providers, etc. Note that it is helpful to provide solution access to the judges during the review period for this category.

  • Ease of use –How well does the product or service allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use? Users can be employees, customers, administrators, managers, etc.
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described
  • Implementation – How easily, cheaply, and quickly can the solution be implemented
  • Innovation – is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration of data sources – How easily and quickly does the solution ntegrate with other data sources?
  • Mobile – Does the product provide support for mobile web and mobile SDKs for app integrations?
  • Overall performance – Does the solution perform at adequate speed, security, scalability, and reliability? Is it able to cite statistics proving speed, security and reliability?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for data analysis?
  • Support – What level of support does the tool provide?
  • Visually aesthetic – Is the application’s visual design beautiful, innovative, and appealing to the user?

Recognizes the tool or platform that best enables organizations in developing, deploying, operating and managing a data infrastructure/environment including deep analytics, AI and machine learning.

  • Data governance – How well does the system allow organizations to track data egress and management
  • Data I/O performance – How quickly and reliably is the data transferred to/from devices or resources?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Flexibility- How flexible is the tool/platform for re-factoring the data schema over time?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented
  • Innovation – is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features? Does the platform take advantage of AI tools and Machine Learning
  • Performance management – How well does the platform allow you to track, monitor and drive performance?
  • Real-time processing – Does the platform or tool have the ability to process the data and produce results within certain time constraints?
  • Scalability – How well can the system adapt to changes in demand or size of data?

Recognizes the best tool for supporting collaboration between Development and Operations. Can include tools for logging, performance monitoring and measurement, automation, security, configuration management, testing, collaboration, release management, database management, deployment, event managers, alerting and other software development tools.

  • Auditing/History – Does the platform track all changes made to its configuration?
  • Automation – How well does the platform let you automate its activities?
  • Collaboration – How well does the platform allow you to collaborate with other curators or co-create content?
  • Customization / personalization – Is the level of customization appropriate to the audience? Be sure to define the customer personas and what the typical target market segment size is.
  • Extensibility and integration – How easy is it for an enterprise to enhance the platform and/or plug it into existing content creation/distribution platforms? How easy is it to integrate with other public cloud / on-prem dev environments
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Platform curation flexibility – Is the platform capable of curating anything with a URL or is it limited to a few different tools? How flexible is it to various types of targets (e.g. cloud code and services, connected IT assets, disconnected IoT devices etc.)
  • Security – What is the security implementation involved in the product.
  • Share – Does the platform make it easy to share and manipulate content?
  • Storage – Does the platform have any data storage needs? If so, how the data is protected.
  • Usability – Can the user easily achieve their desired results?

Honors the solution that best stores, organizes, and distributes digital assets and rich media files in a central location. Assets may include photos, creative files, video, audio, presentations, documents, data and more.

  • Creative capabilities and intelligent content creation – How robust is the creative toolset integration? Does it support traditional tools such as Adobe CC, stock photography libraries and 3-D assets? Does the solution allow for automated permutations of content, such as auto-cropping to areas of interest?
  • Customization and scalability – Is the solution customizable to the customer’s unique library? Does it have the ability to scale up or down to meet the customer’s asset management needs?
  • Digital rights management (DRM) and security – Does the solution have the ability to protect content and ensure compliance with usage rights and licensing? Can you assign different permissions to different users? How secure is it? What is the uptime for the system?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented? Does it offer adequate customer support?
  • Integrations and portal capabilities – How easily and quickly does the solution integrate with other data sources inside and outside its ecosystem? Does it provide integrations into agile content management systems and product information management systems? How well does it allow users to curate and expose assets and style guides to internal and external stakeholders?
  • Search capabilities and AI – Does the solution allow users to quickly and easily find assets? How robust are the metadata and tagging features? How well does it utilize AI to locate assets?
  • Usability and UI – How well does the solution allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction? Is it mobile-friendly and accessible anywhere, anytime, from any device? Is it user-friendly and visually appealing?
  • Workflow capabilities – Does the solution allow for work-in-progress support in a collaborative work environment?

Recognizes the service, solution, product or tool that optimizes digital employee experience across every touchpoint – device, application, etc. by leveraging workplace analytics, user sentiments analytics and automation thereby measuring, quantifying, analyzing and reporting user experiences to enhance each employee’s workplace experience.

  • Analytics – How well does the solution evaluate and provide insights into business processes. May include, drill down, data exploration and multi-dimensional analysis.
  • Compliance – Is the solution compliant to leading compliance standard- GDPR, PCI, HIPPA, ISO etc.
  • Customization – How customizable is the solution?
  • Data – How quickly and reliably is the data transferred to/from devices or resources? Can the solution easily integrate data from a variety of sources?
  • Effectiveness– Is the solution able to capture user happiness/discontent? Does the use of analytics or other innovative technologies improve the experience for the user?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Performance management – How well does the platform allow you to track, monitor and drive performance?
  • Visualization – How well does the solution organize data insights into a format that can be easily configured, shared and interpreted?

Recognizes the best emerging technology product, tool or solution that is solving a big problem, changing the status quo and opening up new opportunities. Products must be less than five years old or have put out a new version that includes new technology that is disruptive and/ or relatively underdeveloped in potential.

  • Business Value – To what degree does the technology represent progressive developments within a field for competitive advantage, extensive adoption and market reach.
  • Disruption – The potential to disrupt the market in the future by creating new technology, new delivery methods, new business models or new audience/user community. How does the technology set itself apart from competitors?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use. The goals should be clearly defined for the targeted market with examples of new user methods for adoption.
  • Product/Solution Usability – Do the key attributes function as described? Does the functionality support the attributes in new or disruptive ways?
  • Radical Innovation – Are there features not previously observed in systems? Are there new inventions, patents or business methods that support the novelty? These features should be clearly articulated with examples of the disruption to the market.

Recognizes the best solution for managing, producing and executing in person, hybrid or virtual events. Includes registration and ticketing, payment processing, sponsor and attendee management, event marketing, reporting, event program, networking, etc.

  • Accessibility – Is the technology device agnostic?
  • Adaptability – How well has the product adapted to support events as they shift between in person, hybrid or virtual?
  • Customization – Does the solution provide easy and speedy customization capabilities?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration of data sources – How easily and quickly does the solution integrate with other data sources?
  • Overall performance – Does the solution perform at adequate speed, security, and reliability? Does the attendee, sponsor and organizer have a great experience?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for data analysis?
  • Scalability – Does the solution have the ability to scale up or down?
  • Visually aesthetic – Is the application’s visual design beautiful, innovative, and appealing to the user?

Recognizes the Best Financial & Market Data Solution designed for professionals in the financial and capital markets industries. Nominees may submit solutions that provide financial, market data and related information for market practitioners. Includes real-time data services, reference data solutions, or historical data, financial news services, market analysis & research, credit services, capital markets, commodities & energy, foreign exchange, fixed income and/or merger and acquisition information.

  • Content depth and accuracy – Is the content accurate and timely for the stated use case? Does this product address the depth of information required to serve the audience?
  • Customization or personalization – Is the level of customization/personalization appropriate to the audience and use case presented?
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – Is the solution using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Interoperability – Where appropriate can this product be integrated with other relevant systems and can the content and/or data within the product be exported?
  • Platform Flexibility & Accessibility – Is the solution made available through the delivery platforms appropriate for the target audience?
  • Relevance to target audience – Does the product effectively solve a specific market need?
  • Usability – Can the user easily and efficiently interact with the product features to achieve their desired result?

Recognizes the best software solution that automates financial accounting and money management including accounts payable/receivable, general ledger, budgeting, resource allocation, reporting, etc.

  • APIs/Integration – How extensive is the public API?
  • Disparate data sources – How well does the solution pull from disparate data sources?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Global support – How well does the solution support multiple languages, currencies, etc.
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Manipulation of data – How well does the solution allow for manipulation of data for reporting?
  • Mobile access – Is the tool available on mobile devices? How easy is it to use while on the go/ to view on a small screen?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Visually aesthetic – Is the application’s visual design beautiful, innovative, and appealing to the user

Recognizes the best solution to make financial services more efficient by demonstrating an incremental or radical/disruptive innovation development of applications, processes, products or business models in the financial services industry, expanding business and consumer options for investing, saving, and conducting transactions, competing with banks selling financial service solutions for money transfer, lending, investments, and payments. This can include but is not limited to financing, insurance, investments, payments, advisory, security, blockchain etc.

  • Customization or personalization – Is the level of customization/personalization appropriate to the audience and use case presented
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience?
  • Innovation – is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Interoperability – Where appropriate can this product be integrated with other relevant systems?
  • Platform Flexibility & Accessibility – Is the solution made available through the delivery platforms appropriate for the target audience?
  • Relevance to target audience – Does the product effectively solve a specific market need? Does the product transform a market sector? Does it enable a traditional financial institution to enter this market space through an outsourced solution?
  • Reporting- How robust are the reporting features? Are they customizable to meet user needs?
  • Security – does the solution have the necessary security, compliance auditing, and interaction logging to mitigate risk.
  • Usability – Can the user easily and efficiently interact with the product features to achieve their desired result?

Honors the Generative AI model that has demonstrated exceptional prowess in harnessing the power of Generative AI to forge new frontiers in creative expression and problem-solving. The contributions should transcend traditional boundaries, influencing researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts alike. The solution should not only inspire a new generation of AI artists and innovators but also pave the way for the integration of Generative AI into various industries, revolutionizing the creative process and problem-solving methodologies.

  • Achievement: Does the product elevate overall performance compared to rivals or previous solutions?
  • Impact: What specific needs does the product uniquely address? What quandaries does it effectively resolve?
  • User-Friendliness: Does the product exhibit simplicity in installation? Are the product’s features transparent and user-friendly for acquisition and operation? Can the product expand seamlessly to accommodate expansion?
  • Utility: Does the product deliver on its promises? Does it offer more substantial or more advantageous utility than its counterparts in its category?
  • Value: Does the product present an economically viable solution? Can its return on investment be easily substantiated
  • Ethical: Must be an advocate for responsible AI development, emphasizing transparency, fairness, and accountability in all their creations.

Recognizes the best tech solution for improving care quality, patient safety, efficiency, medical information and/or data exchange to healthcare professionals or consumers. Judges will be looking for:

  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented, as compared with similar offerings?
  • Innovation – Is the solution using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features? Does the product have any AI features?
  • Integration – How well does the product integrate data from other systems?
  • Obstacle Avoidance – How effective is the solution at overcoming user acceptance?
  • Overall impact on costs – How does the solution have a positive impact on costs?
  • Overall performance – How reliable is the solution and how optimal is the speed for the given use case?
  • Security – Does the solution include necessary security to mitigate risk?
  • Workflow improvement – How well does the solution integrate into and/or improve existing workflows?

Recognizes the best solution that automates any aspect of human resources management and talent acquisition, including Recruiting, Onboarding, HRIS, benefits administration, payroll, learning, analytics and performance appraisal.

  • Customer Support – Is customer service and tech support responsive and competent?
  • Customization -– Does the product allow for customization by user?
  • Disparate data sources – How well does the solution pull from disparate data sources?
  • Ease of use – Is the product efficient, effective, engaging, error tolerant and easy to learn?
  • Global support – How well does the solution support different languages, and cultures?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Integrations – does the solution easily integrate with other solutions?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?

Recognizes the best solution that authenticates and authorizes user access to resources such as applications, data, systems, and cloud platforms by ensuring the right people are granted access to the right tools, at the right times for the right reasons. Includes Identity Governance, Single Sign-On, Authentication & Authorization Management, and Directory solutions, etc.

  • Access security – How well does the solution secure corporate resources from a variety of less secure access points (i.e. mobile devices)?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the solution using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – How well does the solution integrate with established infrastructures and other identity providers/ solutions?
  • Reporting and auditing – Does the solution have advanced reporting and auditing capabilities?
  • Scalability – Can the solution easily scale up and down?

Honors the solution that best helps businesses manage, streamline and optimize every aspect of the sales cycle, from inquiries and orders to invoicing and payments, to ensure that sales representatives have access to tools and features that help them achieve their sales goals.

  • 360-view of prospects – Does the solution offer a 360 degree view of prospects and allow users to customize the view to meet their needs? i.e. how well can users filter prospects according to different options like geography, age, and other demographic data.
  • Data Analytics – How robust are the data and reporting functions? Does the solution help users gain insight into prospects and identify new prospects?
  • Ease of Use – How easy is the solution to use and can the user easily get questions answered if they need help?
  • Integration – How well does the tool integrate with other solutions used by other teams within the company like marketing, contact management, social media, etc.
  • Pipeline management – How well does the solution move and track customers through the sales pipeline, from inception to order to payment?
  • Reporting – Does the solution provide useful sales reports that allows users to track past sales and easily reconcile accounts?
  • Security – How secure is the tool? Does it protect customer data?

Recognizes the best solution designed to integrate disparate applications, operating systems, data, and/or business processes used within an organization in order to simplify and automate their use and eliminate silos of information and functionality through dashboards or other approaches.

  • Customization – Is the solution customizable? How configurable is the solution?
  • Data validation – How much visibility does the solution provide into the data quality?
  • Development tools –How robust and easy to use are the development tools?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Product capabilities – Does the solution provide capabilities including bulk data movement, data federation/virtualization, data replication, and / or big data focus?
  • Range of connectors – How robust is the range of applications, files, databases and web services the solution can connect?
  • Range of deployment options – Is a range of deployment options offered? For example, on premise, Cloud, virtualized, hybrid, etc.
  • Security – Does the solution have the necessary security to mitigate risk.

Recognizes the best IT management solution that allows IT departments to manage all their systems, devices and applications.

  • Automation of workflows – How well does the platform let you automate certain activities? How well does the solution improve workflow? Does the solution have the ability to automate workflow of frameworks specific to IT service support? How well does the solution fit into existing user workflows?
  • Data – How well does the solution connect data and documents?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Maintenance/ quality assurance – Does the solution provide adequate maintenance measures?
  • Scalability – How well can the solution scale up and down?
  • Security – How secure is the tool? Are there adequate security measures? How robust is the security of infrastructure? Does it provide for secure identity and access management?

Honors the all-in-one platform that best provides support and self-service across channels, both for customers and/ or employees. Entries can be enterprise help sites, knowledge centers, customer or employee support portals that contain both (structured and unstructured) product information, support information, specifications, documentation, training, customer community content, and other product-specific content.
Note that providing solution access to the judges during the review period for this category is helpful.

  • Visual aesthetic – Is the site’s visual design appealing and free of unnecessary clutter? Does the overall design seem appropriate for the site’s purpose and target audience? Does it have a nice balance of content to white space? Are appropriate fonts used?
  • Navigational cues — Does the site have a navigation menu (or menus)? Is the navigation clear and easy to use? Do the navigation labels lead to pages or resources that you would expect? Does the site content include additional navigational guidance in the content, e.g., links to related content (“see also,” “learn more,” “next steps”) or tooltips, or other practical details?
  • Load time and responsiveness – Does the site load quickly? Is it as responsive as you would expect (do pages and functions appear without you having to wait for lengthy periods while the content loads)?
  • Functionality – Does the site contain all of the functionality you expect as a visitor, and do the present features function as you would expect them to?
    – Differentiation — What features do you notice while using the site that differentiates it from others you have visited?
  • Creating a Profile – Does the site allow users to create a profile and set up preferences that can be used to personalize the content experience?
  • Mobile – Does the site provide support for those who choose to access it via a mobile device? Does the site support responsive web design?
  • Chatbot — Does the site also provide a chatbot? Is the chat experience clear, and does it provide useful answers to queries? Is it automated, or does it connect you to live support personnel or both?
  • Unified content — Does the site enable access to product content of different types (step-by-step instruction, video documentation, product specifications, training, user assistance content, etc.)? Does the site present content from different sources in a single user experience and interface instead of making the visitor jump between different sites with different interfaces, logins, and experiences for different types of content?
  • Accessibility — Does the site provide any features of use to people with visual impairments? Do the images have helpful alt-tag descriptions that screen-reader technologies can take advantage of?
  • Faceted search — Does the site provide a search feature? Does it work as you anticipate? Does the site allow you to filter search results, allowing users to narrow down search results by applying multiple filters based on faceted content classification?
  • Access to additional support assistance — Does the site provide visitors with different ways of finding solutions to problems they were unable to solve using the self-serve support center content, such as a connect to telephone support feature, a call you back later feature, a chatbot, text-based support, or FaceTime support?
  • Translation and localization — Does the site provide visitors with a method of switching to different language versions of the site content?

Recognizes the best information-based solution designed for the legal professional. Nominees may submit solutions that provide access to legal research information, business & practice performance, productivity and development tools, as well as litigation support, workflow, and e-discovery solutions.

  • Auditability – What audit trail tools are available to system administrators?
  • Content depth and accuracy – Is the content accurate and timely for the stated use case? Does this product address the depth of information required to serve the audience?
  • Customization or personalization – Is the level of customization/personalization appropriate to the audience and use case presented?
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within this product appropriately meet the needs of the audience and use case? Does it incorporate advanced technology (AI)?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Interoperability – Where appropriate with respect to the audience and use case, can this product be integrated with other relevant systems OR can the content and/or data within the product be exported?
  • Platform flexibility and accessibility – Is the solution made available through the delivery platforms appropriate to the target audience?
  • Relevance to target audience – Does the product effectively solve a specific market need?
  • Usability – Can the user easily and efficiently interact with the product features to achieve their desired result?
  • Value – Does the vendor make a cogent case for the purchase and how it benefits the user?

Recognizes the best solution that enables companies to plan, target, market, and measure the effectiveness of campaigns promoting products and services to consumers and/or businesses online, off-line and via mobile devices. Solutions can include (but are not limited to) marketing programs supporting SEM, social media, online/print advertising, in-product advertising, content marketing, marketing management, campaign management and deployment, as well as mobile marketing.

  • Connection to contacts/CRM – The ability to facilitate connections with prospects, customers, partners, etc.
  • Demand generation – How well does the solution identify and drive demand?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve intended goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the solution using cutting edge technologies (for example does the system learn over time and enable more targeted communications based on learning?)
  • Integration – How well does the solution integrate with other functions (specifically, sales and strategy)?
  • Reporting and analytics – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Visually aesthetic – Is the solution’s visual design beautiful, innovative, and visually appealing to the user?

Recognizes the best No Code/ Low Code solution that allows users to create applications with little knowledge of traditional programming languages, machine code or development work.

  • AI – Does the platform offer the ability to leverage machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI), Advanced levels of automation?
  • Ease of collaboration – Does it allow for easy collaboration including governance controls to speed co-development efforts?
  • Ease of use — How easy is it for the user to reach the desired outcome in a timely manner? Is it intuitive? Can it rapidly change/ adapt applications at any stage of development?
  • Integration:Does it easily integrate with both modern and legacy applications with little coding?
  • Scalability – Can the application be deployed at enterprise scale or integrate it into the complex enterprise technology stack?
  • Security – Does it meet security, privacy and compliance requirements? Does it include role-based controls, auditability, and governance controls?

Recognizes the best solution for securely passing authorization, payments, and settlement data between a merchant’s website and the merchant’s processor. Includes digital payment products, payment gateways, crypto, blockchain, etc.

  • Billing – Does the solution provide adequate billing options?
  • Consumer data -How well is consumer data stored, processed and managed and can consumers delete data if they choose to?
  • Currency Support – Can the solution support multiple currencies?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use? Aside from desktop, are mobile and tablet views supported (via app or browser)?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Interoperability – Can this product be integrated with other relevant systems?
  • Overall performance – Does the solution perform at adequate speed, security, and reliability? What performance and security metrics does the company gauge the system against?
  • Reporting – How easy is it to report transaction data?
  • Security – Does the solution have the necessary security to mitigate risk? Is it compliant with top security standards/ procedures?

Recognizes the best platform as a service (PaaS) that increases the speed of development of applications, reduces cost of development, automates deployment, and provides flexibility, enablement and scalability.

  • Ease / speed of provisioning – Can the platform be easily and quickly prepared and equipped for use?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – Can the platform integrate with web services and databases via common standards?
  • Launch – How easy is it to create, configure and deploy the service without requiring programming expertise?
  • Multi-tenant architecture – Is the platform multi-tenant? Can multiple concurrent users utilize the same development application?
  • Programmable user interface – Does the solution have the ability to construct flexible user interfaces?
  • Programming language support – What programming languages are supported?
  • Scalability – Can the solution easily scale up and down?
  • Security – How well does the solution offer security features to protect user data being processed using confidential computing? Does it reduce the blast radius?
  • Support – What level of support is provided for the development teams?

Recognizes the best business solution that automates any aspect of managing project-based business activities. Includes estimation and planning, scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration, etc.

  • Collaboration capabilities – How well can project members collaborate seamlessly on any device, regardless of location?
  • Customization – How well does the tool be customized to match the unique requirements of the teams and the organization?
  • Document management – How well does the tool allow you to share files and documents with other project team members?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes
  • Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Overall performance – How well does the solution rank with regards to overall speed, security, and reliability?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Resource Management – How well does the tool allow you to allocate and manage the project resources?
  • Task management – how well does the solution allow users to define a task, assign it, create a deadline and ensure completion?

Honors the solution that best enables users to access, leverage, and utilize property information to make targeted and informed decisions on a property or a portfolio of properties.The winning solution enables users to best identify the value of properties, enable proactive portfolio risk management, or equip stakeholders with an overview of real estate market data and insights.

  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – How well does the solution integrate with other solutions? Does it allow for integration and gathering property data from third-party data sources?
  • Manipulation of data – How well does the solution allow for manipulation of data for reporting?
  • Quality of Support- How well does the solution offer help and support to the user.
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Visually aesthetic – Is the application’s visual design beautiful, innovative, and appealing to the user?

Recognizes the best solution to help companies manage all aspects of the subscription lifecycle. Subscription management includes onboarding, assisted or unassisted subscription sales, pricing and packaging, recurring billing, auto-renewing, paywall management, invoicing, reporting, and financial management.

  • Administrative tools – How robust are the administrative tools?
  • Business model support – How well does the solution support sophisticated business models that include one-time, subscription, and usage-based billing?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use?
  • Functionality of key attributes – Do the key attributes function as described?
  • Global support – How well does the solution support multiple languages, currencies, etc.?
  • Implementation – How easily and quickly can the solution be implemented?
  • Innovation – Is the product using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Integration – How easily does the solution integrate with other systems?
  • Reporting and analysis of data – How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Scalability – Does the solution have the ability to scale up or down?
  • Security – How robust are the security features?

Recognizes the upskilling or workforce education solution for organizations that best increases opportunities for aspiring or existing workers to grow their careers through education, mentoring, certifications and/or training.

  • Comprehensiveness – Is the user supported all the way through to their next career step?
  • Ease of integration – How easy is it for a company or other organization to integrate this solution in their HR/LMS systems?
  • Ease of use -How easy is the solution to use and is it designed so that people with limited experience with technology can use it?
  • Equity – Does this solution increase economic mobility by opening up opportunities for higher wage jobs to workers at all levels? Support with data.
  • Feature set – Does the feature set incorporated within the product appropriately meet the needs of the users?
  • Innovation – Is the solution using cutting edge technology, strategies, ideas or features?
  • Usability – How easily and efficiently can the user interact with the product features and the content to achieve their desired result?

Recognizes the best digital tool that allows users to plan, track, organize, and review both projects and non-project tasks to improve business results and team performance.

  • Access – How well does the solution provide anywhere access from any device. Can multiple team members access cloud-based systems simultaneously?
  • Accessibility – Is the technology device agnostic?
  • Automation- How well does the solution automate data syncs, updates, and alerts.
  • Customization – Can you customize to meet your team’s specific needs?
  • Dashboards/ reporting– How robust are the dashboards and reports for analysis?
  • Ease of use – How well does the product allow users to achieve goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction?
  • Functionality – How well do key attributes function? Includes but not limited to: Task assignment, Scheduling software, Geolocation, Gantt charts (and dependencies), Document sharing, etc.
  • Integration- Can this product be integrated with other relevant systems?
  • Real-Time Updates – Maintain version control with one central information hub that updates across devices in real time.

Business Technology Leadership Categories

Honors the Business Technology EXECUTIVE who has demonstrated significant leadership through strategy, financial accomplishments, ability to attract and retain talent, etc. resulting in the success of the company, its employees and the community over the past year. Include data, metrics, examples and case studies in your answers to the judging criteria.
Entrants must complete a written entry touching on each of the judging criteria below. 

  • Has the nominee achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.over the past year and supported the entry with data and examples?
  • Has the nominee demonstrated a strong connection to the B2B tech community?
  • Have they inspired others to achieve similar success and provided examples to support the entry?
  • How well does the nominee demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics?
  • Is the nominee innovative in approach and meeting the moment?

Recognizes the company that, over the recent 12-month period, has realized significant growth in revenue, proven to have a strong company culture, and demonstrated a commitment to the community. 

  • Business excellence – evidenced through leadership, vision and business achievements over the past year.
  • Company has a strong connection to the Tech community.
  • Innovative culture – company demonstrates having an outstanding company culture that inspires teams to achieve success.
  • Results – did the company demonstrate outstanding results throughout the year?

Recognizes the customer success team that has significantly contributed to the success of their organization through innovation, creating a customer-centric culture, and going above and beyond to directly impact the success of their customers.

  • Above and beyond – Does the company go above and beyond to exceed client expectations and help them grow?
  • Client Satisfaction- is the team able to demonstrate superior client satisfaction via renewal rates, referrals, retention etc?
  • Communication – does the team demonstrate strong consistent communication with customers to build trust and engagement? Does the nominee welcome and act on client feedback
  • Culture – does the company have a strong, unique, customer-centric culture?
  • Innovation – is the team adaptive in their customer approach in order to meet the needs of customers currently?

Honors the company that best demonstrates clear, positive and sustained impact in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Entrants are required to submit a written response outlining how the company aligns to the judging criteria below. Be sure to provide details and show measurable outcomes in your response where appropriate.

  • Awareness – How well did the company effectively increase the awareness of DEI
  • Best Practices – Did the company implement DEI practices, policies, resources, and tools, to ensure DEI best practices were sustained
  • Opportunities – How well did the company demonstrate excellence in advancing opportunities for women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, Religion, access to technologies, cultures and/or individuals with disabilities? Provide examples and impact data where possible.
  • Positive trend setting – How does the company’s creative approach to equity and inclusivity go beyond most companies?
  • Reach – Did the company work with fellow members of the tech community, associations and/or other partners to expand DEI opportunities and eliminate the barriers for people from underrepresented, disadvantaged, and culturally diverse populations? How broad was the impact
  • Representation – How does the company’s visual product(s) reflect the true population of customers?
  • Topics – How does the company’s content reflect important shifts in thinking about race, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual orientation?

There is no cost to enter this category.

The Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates INDIVIDUALS who have made significant long-term contributions to the tech industry – and are renowned for their reputation, leadership, vision, mentorship, career success and philanthropy. Entrants must complete a written response on how the nominee aligns with each of the judging criteria.

  • Active in the community for 20+ years.
  • Has achieved business excellence, evidenced through leadership, vision, business achievements, mentoring of new talent, etc.
  • Has demonstrated a strong connection to the tech community.
  • Has shown outstanding leadership characteristics throughout their career and has inspired others to achieve similar success.

Recognizes the business technology company that is charting new pathways in the way we do business,demonstrating to the industry what is possible in B2B technology.
Entrants are required to submit a written response outlining how the company aligns to the judging criteria below. Be sure to provide details and show measurable outcomes in your response where appropriate.

  • Do you think this company’s product(s) will shape future innovation within B2B technology?
  • Does the company have more than one innovative product or have a history of innovation?
  • Does the company open up our imaginations to new possibilities?
  • Does this company’s product(s) approach business in a way that we have not widely seen?
  • Is the company’s product(s) innovative but still grounded in being a useful tool for the industry and how we do business? Can it back claims with evidence?