Winner In:
               Best Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Amperity Customer Data Platform is purpose-built to solve the full spectrum of customer data challenges facing enterprise brands. Amperity is a multi-patented end-to-end platform with three distinct products.
AmpID is a complete first-party identity product with transparency and flexibility that is radical in the identity management category. AI-powered identity resolution creates a stable, universal first-party identity graph and then flexibly tunes it with critical features such as householding, data hygiene, and standardization for full utility across every use case. This graph is the foundation for accurate insights, personalization, and measurement.
Amp360 is a modern Customer 360 that gives every team across the enterprise real-time access to the customer data they need. Amp360 breaks down silos, expands audiences, and gives teams and systems direct access to holistic customer data, powering use cases from data science, analytics, and marketing, to customer success, finance, and compliance.
AmpIQ is a brand new point-and-click marketer hub for customer intelligence and omni-channel activation that drives immediate ROI gains. It has a complete suite of tools, comprising four components: Metrics & KPIs, Customer Insights, Predictions & Segments, and Campaigns & Measurement, representing the integration of technology and expertise from Amperity’s 2019 acquisition of customer intelligence firm Custora.