Winner In:
               Best Foundational Science Instructional Solution
MobyMax ensures that its tools align with all state and federal standards by providing teachers with a complete and uniquely comprehensive K-8 Cognitive Skills Science Curriculum (CSSC).
CSSC is based on transformative Touch CurriculumTM technology, which uses over 20,000 interactive manipulatives to engage students on a deeper level than traditional curriculum provides. Touch CurriculumTM gives students an immersive experience that allows them to learn concepts and solve problems by dragging and dropping, repositioning, building, writing, creating, and more.
Students utilize the manipulatives to apply rules, predict, hypothesize, infer, compare, and evaluate. Incorporating these skills into learning leads to rigorous problem solving and develops analytical thinking skills that students need to be successful in STEM disciplines.
MobyMax also accelerates differentiated learning with systematic review of key concepts and science vocabulary. Formative quizzes and comprehensive unit tests provide detailed progress monitoring for teachers.
Additionally, MobyMax enables teachers to create highly effective science lessons for whole-class instruction. Teachers can pull problems from Moby’s curriculum or create their own, and students can respond on any device. Moby calculates results in real time, so teachers can see which topics need remediation.
Because Cognitive Skills Science was developed based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), MobyMax’s Cognitive Skills Science has become an essential STEM resource for all teachers and starts students on the path to becoming effective problem solvers and critical thinkers.