Nomination FAQs

Called “the Oscars” of the tech industry, the SIIA CODiE Awards have honored top companies, products and people as leaders in innovation and excellence since 1986. When you think about the tech industry, the most famous pioneers like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates won CODiEs, but anyone working in tech is eligible to be nominated. Because we’re the only peer-reviewed award, winners are literally being recognized as the best of the best by your peers! Nominate someone (or yourself today!)

Step 1: Nominations are accepted September 16, 2024 through January 17, 2025.

Once your nomination is submitted and paid for, you are officially entered!

Step 2: First Round (Expert) review January 24 to March 19 – Demos must be scheduled by February 21 and completed by March 19.

This accounts for 80% of the overall score

NOTE: Leadership categories do not require a demo and should be scored and reviewed based on the information submitted with the entry.  Your Judges will reach out to you with any questions or clarifications needed.

Starting January 24 – Nominees will be emailed a link to access Judge assignments and review Entry information. There are two judges assigned to each nomination so be sure to contact your judges asap to start arranging demos – especially if you are entered in many categories. We know the demos can take time to coordinate.

NOTE:  We have Participants and Judges based all over the world with work, travel, and classroom schedules. We ask everyone to be respectful of time schedules and time zones. If all parties agree, call with multiple Judges or email recorder demos may be preferred. 

Once you’ve completed your demos with the judges, the judges will then score each entry against the category specific criteria and Finalists will be announced March 27. All nominees will be notified if their entry was a finalist by March 28. Finalists are provided next steps and PR materials to help promote their finalist status! 

Step 3: Second round Peer review. 

Finalists then receive a second round Peer review. This is a quick review of materials provided in the entry (your video or written response, nomination description and URL. No additional demo is required.) If the Peers have any questions regarding your product, they will contact you.  

Step 4. Celebrate!
Winners will be announced at the CODiE Awards virtual Celebration on May 21, 2025. Stay tuned for details!

Below is a quick checklist with everything you need to complete the entry form.


    • Company name  
    • Product name
    • Product description (this will be listed on the website in the event the product becomes a Finalist or Winner)
    • Company URL
    • Product URL
    • LinkedIn handle
    • Company twitter handle
    • Product twitter handle
    • Category name
    • Provide a detailed response on how your product aligns to the judging criteria for the category. (there is no word requirement – but be succinct in your answers. You’ll also have the opportunity to provide a demo to each of your Judges. Judging criteria is available at
    • Up to five supplemental materials to support nominations (can be PDF, video, link etc) can be submitted with each entry.
    • Contact information for TWO contacts.
    • Optional (used if you are a finalist or winner)
    • Logo (high resolution)
    • Shipping address and contact to receive the award.

It’s a huge honor to be nominated and many Nominees want to share this incredible news with their customers and business network. To make things easy, we provide a complete press packet with downloadable badges, logos and icons for you to share on your social media and with your peers. 

Finalists and Winners also receive press release templates, social media kit and recommendations on how to share with internal/external stakeholders. 

Leadership categories recognize outstanding companies, individuals and teams. Each Leadership nomination is required to include either a brief pre-recorded video or written response with their nomination on how they align with the judging criteria. No demos are required for Leadership categories. 

Early Nomination 

SIIA Members/Nonprofits: $595     

Non-members: $995                           

15% discount for 3+ nominations     


SIIA Members/Nonprofits: $695     

Non-members: $1150

10% discount for 3+ nominations   

Late Nomination 

SIIA Members/Nonprofits: $895   

Non-members: $1390               


Shopping Basket

Coming in February 2023!