All CODiE Award judges shall abide by the following Terms & Conditions.
Qualifications. To participate as a CODiE judge, an individual must have proven experience in the category or categories they apply to review.
Conflicts of interest. Judges must disclose any possible conflicts of interest to the CODiE Awards. A judge must recuse themselves from discussing, reviewing and voting on nominations where there is a perceived conflict of interest.
Complete the assignments. By agreeing to participate as a judge you agree to review every Nomination in every category you are assigned.
Conduct. Judges are asked to carry out their responsibilities in a professional manner. If a Nominee reacts in a way that a judge deems inappropriate, please notify the CODiE Awards of the infraction. If a complaint is lodged against a judge from a Nominee, SIIA will remove the judge from the product.
Permitted and prohibited uses. All judges must abide by the terms and conditions of any license agreement that accompanies any nominated product or service reviewed by the judge. Judges must not engage in any activity that would be considered to be a violation of U.S or international copyright law. Information shared within the nomination and demo is to be treated as confidential unless otherwise stated in writing by the Nominee.
Recusal. If, at any time during the CODiE Awards review and/or voting process, a judge believes that he or she cannot comply with any of these terms and conditions the judge must notify SIIA immediately and recuse themselves from the CODiE Awards.
Gifts. A judge shall not accept a fee, gift or personal benefit that is connected directly or indirectly with the performance of the judge’s duties.
Products may be reassigned throughout the judging process. SIIA staff will do their best to notify judges of these changes.