Rules & Eligibility

Cancellation Policy

    • SIIA’s policy regarding cancellations is as follows:
    • Any nomination cancelled by November 2024  will receive a full refund.
    • Cancellations after November 2024 will not receive a refund.

Entries & Category Placement

    • SIIA reserves the right to re-assign Nominations to a more appropriate category.
    • Prior to the start of the judging phase, any Nomination that is deemed a poor fit in a category that cannot appropriately fit into any other category, will receive a full refund.
    • SIIA reserves the right to cancel any CODiE Awards category with fewer than three Nominations. If a category is cancelled, nominees in that category will have the option to move to another category (if appropriate) or receive a full refund of the nomination fee for the cancelled category.

Nomination Eligibility

    • Products must be live (not beta) by the time the first-round judging begins.
    • Each product must be nominated separately, but a product can be nominated in any applicable categories.
    • You may nominate different products from the same company in the same category if appropriate.
    • Nominations may be made by the product developer, agencies, investors etc.

CODiE Award Rules

    • Assignment of Judges: All nominated products are assigned two Judges. If you feel a Judge is not the right fit to review your product, notify the CODiE Awards within the first week of the judging process.
    • Nominee-Judge Communication: Nominee communication with judges must be directly related to the review process or in response to requests for information about the product under review.
    • Leadership Categories: Nominations in the leadership categories will be judged off of the information presented in the nomination form and accompanying video or written explanation. No live demo is required for the leadership categories.
    • DEMO: Each product entry will require one hour demos with two assigned expert Reviewers between January  and March 2025. If a live demo is not possible, nominees may share a recorded demo with the Reviewers. All demos must be scheduled by February X and take place by March X, 2025.
    • Nominee Campaigning: Employees and contracted personnel are prohibited from directly reaching out to judges or members of SIIA to solicit votes.
    • Gifts: Nominees are prohibited from giving expert Reviewers gifts connected directly or indirectly with the performance of the Judge’s duties, except where the gift or personal benefit is received as an incident of protocol or social obligation and is authorized by law.
    • Accuracy of Information or Presentation: Nominating entities are expected to provide accurate information about the nominated product. If any information provided on the nomination form should change, it is the responsibility of the primary contact to notify SIIA of the change. SIIA takes no responsibility for inaccurate information if not notified of changes.
    • Nominee Concerns with Judges: Any concerns relating to Judge qualifications, conflicts of interest, or any other issue that might negatively affect the judging process must be submitted to the CODiE Awards in writing prior to the start of the review phase within the first week of the judging process.
    • Inappropriate Claims or Representation: If during the review process a Judge or SIIA staff member discovers and confirms the existence of inappropriate claims about the nominated product, the product will be removed from consideration without a refund of the nomination fees.
    • Professional Conduct: All employees of a nominating company, contracted representatives, and Judges are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest levels of professionalism, courtesy, respect, and integrity. SIIA staff will investigate any and all complaints of misconduct on the part of Nominees and Judges.
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Coming in February 2023!