Policy Blog Templates (13)

IN THE NEWS: Information software group says federal procurement policies meet needs related to AI

Source: Inside AI Policy

The Software and Information Industry Association says the federal government should rely on existing rules and frameworks as it considers ways to ensure “responsible procurement” of artificial intelligence products and services under an Office of Management and Budget memo on implementing President Biden’s Oct. 30 AI executive order.

“We believe the administration should continue encouraging the adoption of risk-based AI governance practices in general, as this approach is crucial in understanding AI use cases across the government. We believe it is also important to recognize that the desired goals of the OMB AI memo can be achieved without reshaping the scope of the government procurements process,” SIIA says in comments to OMB.

Protecting America’s Technological Leadership Is Critical for National Security

Tech is the engine that powers the American economy and drives U.S. innovation. Today, leading U.S.-based tech companies have given our country a competitive advantage over foreign rivals, and American global technological leadership has become a cornerstone of our national security. But, as outlined in a recent report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, officials at home and abroad are considering policies that risk undercutting the American tech sector’s potential and undermining our country’s long-term national security interests.

As the report details, the Biden Administration acknowledges the important role the American tech sector plays in the strength of our nation. Currently, 81 of the most successful tech companies in the world are based in the United States, and private-sector businesses are responsible for 74.9% of our nation’s research and development. These American tech companies are responsible for creating the innovative new technologies that underpin our digital infrastructure, from cloud computing to advances in AI.

As global competition between the U.S. and foreign rivals has intensified, it’s increasingly important that American officials take steps to maintain the United States’ innovative and competitive edge because, as the CSIS report lays out, China is making proactive efforts to bolster its tech sector and would be eager to take our place. This is clearly a problem for our national security.

The report also provides insights into how some U.S. officials have pushed for harmful antitrust regulations and policies that put American national security at risk, and outlines fresh considerations that antitrust enforcers should take into account.

For example, top Biden Administration antitrust enforcers at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have launched lawsuits against some of our country’s leading tech companies. High-level officials at the FTC and DOJ have even worked closely with regulators in other countries to implement foreign regulations that disproportionately hurt U.S. companies and economic interests, threatening American global competitiveness.

In Congress, elected officials have introduced legislation that mirrors foreign regulations targeting American companies. Experts have warned that these legislative efforts risk overregulating the tech sector, threatening to stifle U.S. innovation and the development of emerging technologies like AI and quantum tech. Concerningly, some of these bills, including the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, aim to place burdensome regulations on U.S. tech companies, but would leave large Russian and Chinese businesses untouched.

Even American trade officials – including United States Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine Tai – have backed away from long-standing bipartisan principles designed to protect U.S. digital trade interests. Last year, Tai withdrew her support for digital trade rules during ongoing negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Previously, these rules were seen as essential in maintaining the United States’ global digital leadership. While other nations have taken actions like these as a green light to discriminate against U.S. businesses to the benefit of foreign competitors, Tai has minimized foreign digital trade barriers, including in the annual National Trade Estimate (NTE) report, which was designed to catalog foreign threats to U.S. business interests.

Technology plays a central role in protecting the United States. However, misguided policies and enforcement actions put American technological leadership – and U.S. national security – at risk. American officials must recognize that a strong U.S. tech sector is key to maintaining our edge and keeping America safe. In today’s landscape of global competition, promoting policies to encourage innovation is essential for U.S. national security.

Policy Blog Templates (19)

SIIA Joins 9 Organizations in Opposing SB 1047 (Wiener)

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) joins other organizations in opposing SB 1047 (Wiener) as amended April 30, 2024, which seeks to enact the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act. While sharing the goal of ensuring safe AI development, they argue that federal regulation adequately addresses this concern and fear SB 1047 would further complicate the already fragmented U.S. AI regulatory landscape. They criticize the bill for imposing vague, impractical, and potentially infeasible requirements on developers, leading to high compliance costs and harsh penalties, including criminal liability. Moreover, they argue that the bill overly regulates AI technology rather than its high-risk applications, creating uncertainty, discouraging innovation, and exposing developers to significant liability risks. They contend that rather than protecting Californians, the bill could make them more vulnerable by hindering the development of AI technologies that could safeguard against dangerous models developed outside California’s jurisdiction.
Policy Blog Templates (11)

EdTech Community Educates Congress on 2024 Policy Priorities


For CoSN:  Makenzie Carlin, mcarlin@fratelli.com

For ISTE: Thomas Rodgers, thomas@whiteboardadvisors.com

For SETDA: Jonathan Yang, jyang@setda.org

For SIIA: Pam Golden, pam@glapr.com

EdTech Community Educates Congress on 2024 Policy Priorities

Washington, D.C. (May 7, 2024) — Last week, nearly 58 education school district and state education agency technology leaders from 25 states and the District of Columbia met with policymakers on Capitol Hill to discuss policies and legislation affecting students. The EdTech experts connected with key elected officials and their staff to discuss actionable policies to ensure all students have access to high-quality digital learning opportunities.

This annual event was spearheaded by CoSN (Consortium for School Networking), ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), SETDA, and SIIA (Software & Information Industry Association).

Participants began the day with a briefing featuring Representative Angie Craig (D-MN), who spoke to the group about her work on the House Commerce Committee to strengthen K-12 cybersecurity and expand access to broadband for learning. Deputy Education Secretary Cindy Marten addressed the group, sharing insights about the Department of Education’s new Partnership for Advancing Cybersecurity in Education.  

Following the morning session, attendees met with Senate and House staff to discuss federal funding for digital learning and related professional development, closing the “Homework Gap”, expanding federal K-12 cybersecurity supports, protecting E-rate, improving students’ data privacy and promoting the responsible and effective use of AI for learning. Attendees spent the afternoon at either the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or the Department of Education. At the FCC, the group talked with the staff of Chairwoman Rosenworcel, Commissioner Starks, and the Wireline Competition Bureau, about the agency’s proposed K-12 School and Library Cybersecurity Pilot program. The Department of Education’s meetings included an update on current Office of EdTech (OET) projects as well as roundtable discussions on AI, using technology to promote accessibility, and more.

“With the release of the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan earlier this year, there is even more urgency for Congress to invest in comprehensive initiatives that address and eliminate the digital divides in K-12 education. We are collectively committed to carrying out the vision and recommendations set forth by the 2024 NETP, and will continue to advocate for equitable and strategic edtech policies and funding to do so.” said Julia Fallon, Executive Director of SETDA.

“The annual Capitol Hill fly-in is pivotal in shaping policies that affect the future of education. Our EdTech experts are at the forefront of understanding the evolving landscape of education as technology continues to influence every aspect of our education system. It was a remarkable day for reinforcing the role of informed policymaking in supporting student success, innovation and advancing our democratic ideals,” said Keith Krueger, Chief Executive Officer of CoSN.

 Edtech Advocacy Day is an important opportunity each year for policy makers to learn directly from educators about the challenges and successes they are experiencing. Our members share examples of how effective use of technology is transforming learning experiences and advocate for essential federal support needed to ensure continued success of the most impactful education programs” said Richard Culatta, CEO of ASCD + ISTE

“Last week’s EdTechAdvocacy Day enabled edtech leaders from across the U.S. to share their viewpoints on the legislation Congress is considering that will have serious implications for students, educators, and our members,” said Chris Mohr, President of  SIIA.  “By bringing the various stakeholders together, we have more impact in the discussions surrounding education funding, artificial intelligence, online safety and privacy for our children.  SIIA will continue to work diligently to keep kids safe and connected.”


About CoSN
CoSN, the world-class professional association for K-12 EdTech leaders, stands at the forefront of education innovation. We are driven by a mission to equip current and aspiring K-12 education technology leaders, their teams, and school districts with the community, knowledge, and professional development they need to cultivate engaging learning environments. Our vision is rooted in a future where every learner reaches their unique potential, guided by our community. CoSN represents over 13 million students and continues to grow as a powerful and influential voice in K-12 education.

 About ISTE
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a nonprofit organization that works with the global education community to accelerate the use of technology to solve tough problems and inspire innovation. ISTE hosts the annual ISTE Conference & Expo, one of the world’s most influential edtech events. The organization’s professional learning offerings include online courses, professional networks, year-round academies, peer-reviewed journals, and other publications. ISTE is also the leading publisher of books focused on technology in education.

Founded in 2001, SETDA is the principal association representing U.S. state and territorial educational technology and digital learning leaders. Through a broad array of programs and advocacy, SETDA builds member capacity and engages partners to empower the education community in leveraging technology for learning, teaching, and school operations.

About SIIA
SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 400 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing, and health technology companies. Our edtech membership develops and delivers software applications, digital instructional content, online and distance learning services, online assessment, and related technologies for millions of learners around the world.

Policy Blog Templates (10)

SIIA and 12 Organizations Oppose Inclusion of KOSA in FAA Reauthorization

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) and 12 organizations are collectively opposing the inclusion of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) in legislation aimed at reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). They have articulated several significant concerns regarding the current versions of KOSA, both in the Senate and the House. These concerns encompass constitutional issues, privacy considerations, worries about the potential for partisan enforcement of content-based laws, and more. Despite ongoing efforts to address some of these concerns over the past two years, substantial reservations persist.

Various organizations and individuals have communicated their apprehensions to sponsors, leadership, and other members of both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. While some adjustments have been attempted, many key concerns remain unresolved. Consequently, the undersigned urge members to reject the inclusion of the KOSA amendment in the FAA reauthorization legislation and to refrain from further floor consideration until these areas of concern are adequately addressed.