CODIE 2021

SIIA Announces 2021 CODiE™ Award Winners for Business Technology

For Immediate Release:

SIIA Announces 2021 CODiEAward Winners for Business Technology
47 business technology companies recognized for innovation and excellence

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 23)— The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries, today announced the 46 winners of the 2021 CODiE Awards in business technology. The winners were presented during a virtual awards celebration in light of COVID-19 concerns. The announcement drew a global audience with 43 business technology categories, including two new categories developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

All of the nominated products were first reviewed by business technology leaders including senior executives, analysts, media, consultants, engineers and investors, whose evaluations determined the finalists. Then SIIA members voted on the finalist products, with the scores from both rounds tabulated to select the winners. Winners represent the most innovative and impactful products from technology developers and related technologies.

“The 2021 CODiE Award winners continued to innovate, pivot and grow to develop truly remarkable products during a historically challenging year. Winners maintain the vital legacy of the CODiEs in spotlighting the best and most impactful apps, services and products serving the business tech market. Congratulations to this year’s finalists on this well deserved recognition,” said Jeff Joseph, SIIA President

As lead sponsor of the 36th annual CODiE Awards, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provided AWS Promotional Credit to finalists and winners in four edtech categories with the goal of accelerating the development of business and education technology products.

“The 2021 CODiE Award program recognizes companies who have created meaningful, innovative solutions to support education and business despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Alec Chalmers, Title. “Amazon Web Services (AWS) is proud to support these companies in their work to design and develop agile, scalable solutions that will adapt with the changing workplace environments.”



Best (Virtual) Event Technology Solution

Match Insights & Open Questions with Watson.IBM Corporation

Best Artificial Intelligence Driven Technology Solution

Engati, Engati Inc.

Best Artificial Intelligence Solution in Healthcare

EyeOn, EyeTech Digital Systems

Best Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Content Solution

accessibilityInsight™, codemantra U.S. LLC

Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Solution

OmniSci 5.0, OmniSci

Best Business Information or Data Delivery Solution

BI PRO, Boardroom Insiders

Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory, U.S. COVID-19 Resources, Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory US

Best Business Intelligence Solution

Marketing Catalyst, BCG

Best Business Technology Pivot

TCS Secure Borderless Workspaces™ Model, Tata Consultancy Services

Best Compliance Solution

OneTrust, OneTrust

Best Content Management Platform

ExpertFile, ExpertFile Inc.

Best Content Search & Discovery Solution

Nexis Newsdesk, LexisNexis / RELX Group

Best Corporate / Enterprise Learning Solution

MobyMax, MobyMax

Best CRM Solution

Accenture Software for Consumer Goods (ASCG) Retail Execution (RE), Accenture

Best Customer Data Platform (CDP)

Amperity 3.0 Platform, Amperity

Omeda’s Customer Data Platform (CDP), Omeda

Best Customer Experience in Business Technology

MobyMax, MobyMax

Best Customer Service Solution

Wix Answers, Wix Answers

Best Customer Success Management Solution

Medallia Strikedeck, Medallia, Strikedeck

Best Customer Training Learning Management System

Thought Industries Platform, Thought Industries

Best Data Tools & Platforms

InsightEdge, GigaSpaces Technologies

Best DevOps Tool

Transposit, Transposit

Best Digital Process Automation Solution

Intelligent Integration Platform, SnapLogic

Tonkean’s Adaptive Business Operations platform, Tonkean

Best eCommerce Conversion Solution

Reflektion Customer Engagement Platform, Reflektion, Inc.

Best Emerging Technology

ShoppingGives, ShoppingGives

Best ERP Solution

Acumatica Cloud ERP, Acumatica

Best Financial Management Solution

Workday Accounting Center, Workday

Best FinTech Solution

Calero-MDSL’s Index License Manager, Calero-MDSL

Best Healthcare Technology Solution

Forcura Workflow, Forcura

Best Human Capital or Talent Management Solution

CloudPay NOW, CloudPay

pandoIQ, PandoLogic

Best Identity & Access Management (IAM) Solution

LastPass Business, LogMeIn Inc.

Best Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

Red Hat Integration, Red Hat, Inc.

Best IT Management Solution

BigPanda, BigPanda

Best Legal Solution

InView, Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory, the Netherlands

Best Marketing Solution

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Automation (CXA) platform, ActiveCampaign

Best Payments Solution

Galileo Instant, Galileo Financial Technologies

Best Platform as a Service

myProductPlatform, Accenture

Best Project Management Solution

Moovila, Moovila

Best Remote Working Solution

Lucidspark, Lucid Software, Inc.

Best Sales & Marketing Intelligence Solution

Priority Engine, TechTarget

Best Sales Enablement Platform

Seismic, Seismic

Best Security Solution

PerimeterX Code Defender, PerimeterX

Best Subscription Billing Solution

Avangate Monetization Platform, 2Checkout

Best Wellness Solution

Fitbit, Guidance Solutions

Best Work Management Platform

Storybuilder, Everlaw

Best Overall Business Technology Solution

The Best Overall Business Technology Solution was awarded to OneTrust, by OneTrust, which had the best scores from both rounds of judging of all of the products entered in the Business Technology categories.

Lifetime Achievement Award in Business Technology

The Lifetime Achievement Award, which celebrates individuals who have made significant long-term contributions to the education industry – and are renowned for their reputation, leadership, vision, mentorship, career success and philanthropy, was presented to Tien Tzuo. 

Details about the winning products can be found at

About the SIIA CODiE™ Awards

The SIIA CODiE Awards, sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is the only peer-reviewed program to showcase business and education technology’s finest products and services. Since 1986, thousands of products, services and solutions have been recognized for achieving excellence. For more information, visit

About Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)

SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 700 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing, and health technology companies. Our diverse members manage the global financial markets, develop software that solves today’s challenges through technology, provide critical information that helps inform global businesses large and small, and innovate for better health care and personal wellness outcomes.


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Risk-taking, Storytelling and Knowing Your Audience Come to the Fore in Reset, Reinvent, Revenue 2021

“The best outfits in the game are really studying their audience. We know from years of audience data, people are much more likely to remember a brand if they are attached to a good story. Storytelling can create ways of reader engagement that are simply more memorable than going to a brand’s website.”

That equally “memorable” quote came from Denise Burrell-Stinson (pictured here), content marketing leader, former head of creative, at the Washington Post Creative Group, leading off the just-completed Day 2 of Reset, Reinvent, Revenue 2021, Associations, Media & Publishing Network event for association professionals. Good storytelling was just one of the many themes  highlighted during the event.

Another was that publishing pros need to take risks and try new things. It helps to have a boss like keynote speaker Scott Stuart, CEO of the Turnaround Management Association, who at the pandemic’s outset, quickly established an atmosphere where his staff could feel free to take those risks.

In March 2020, Stuart said that they quickly assessed the situation and “made decisions. We knew we needed to take risks, to be bold and be early—if we were going to create a new model. Why? We determined this wasn’t going to be a two-week event. It [was going to make] an entire year of programming not relevant.”

Out of that came a whole new world, literally, for TMA. “We had to reimagine what member value was,” Stuart said. “So we created new programs. The Chicago Chapter was doing Power Hours with Toronto. The UK Chapter was meeting with San Francisco. There were bourbon and wine tastings, Bingo and poker tournaments. We didn’t just survive; we elevated our profile and became leaders in our space.

“We were unafraid to take risks, so there was creativity and leading by example. It was paramount to everything we tried to do. And then members started to be unafraid to take risks. And we had the highest retention rates we ever had. People understood for the first time the value proposition that they could avail themselves to—the programming all throughout our system; any chapter was now available to them. The virtual environment elevated that.”

Stuart elaborated on what TMA learned from going all-in on the pivot to virtual and how they are already seeing benefits for future events.

“We made a number of changes to our conferences. We were very hit or miss about a bunch of them in the first opportunity back in the fall. We took the learnings from that and in that second conference opportunity we equaled our sponsorship dollars we would have had in an in-person environment,” he said. “Now we go back in-person [knowing] we were so powerful in what we deployed.”

In fact, Stuart said groups started approaching TMA in April asking to buy sponsorships for events in 2022. “We made value urgent in the virtual environment. We showed that in our pivot that with our global membership there was probably more value in virtual.”

The second session sounded some similar notes. “You have to try new things and then adjust, see what really works,” said Jenny Teeson of the International Live Events Association. “Dive deeper, find what it is” about what you tried that worked—or didn’t. “Maybe bringing a person back for a specific membership group if you have a great speaker. There’s no magic solution—it’s trying different things and seeing what sticks.”

Nicole Quain of MCI USA picked up on that idea of seeing what your audience values and delivering more of it—but in a reconfigured way. One phrase she used could easily become a mantra: Repurpose, don’t just regurgitate. “Deliver bite-sized content. After a good hour-long webinar, pick 30-second or one-minute clips [to offer later]. Try to be fresh with it. Slice up content that can be optimized for a [specific] channel.

“The key is knowing your audience, their likes, dislikes, patterns of behavior. How does your audience engage with certain channels?” Quain added the importance of staying up to date. She pointed to Clubhouse. “It’s a new platform, audio-based. You can stop in and have conversations. It’s a whole new thing to tackle. You have to be willing to the research.”

Other suggestions Quain and Teeson offered included:

– Give snippets of information to tempt a future bigger delivery—Quain’s example is John Mayer releasing one song now for an album coming in July. “Why is he just giving us one song? He’s streaming engagement.”

– Stay in touch after virtual events. Send a thank-you email. “Survey their thoughts, do your due diligence to make them feel warm and fuzzy,” Quain said.

– Remind your audience that content was relevant and useful—the more they’ll want to come back. Maintain engagement. Share and create new groups based on that topic.

On Day 2,  Burrell-Stinson spoke to the group about rewarding brand loyalty and the importance of talking to your audience.

“Everything we learned, how we got through 2020, really came from people who said, who believe, ‘constraints inspire creativity,’” she said. “This is an opportunity. We can do it big. We can do it better. It requires a level of dialogue, people saying, ‘I don’t know, but let’s plot the path together.’ When you have that conversation with your partners, it engenders a deeper relationship, a more fulfilling and productive one.”

Burrell-Stinson added that there should be a “sync and a synergy between the brand and the approach,” also emphasizing the need for good storytelling, no matter of it’s content creators or content marketers. And while the pandemic pushed the Post to have more conversations with its audience, a post-pandemic world should only encourage that more.

“For a publisher, for anyone making content, the deepest, most granular understanding of your audience, that’s not a ‘nice to have’ that’s a mandate,” she said. “When you go about engaging in partnerships, when you’re trying to reach that audience, what you know about the audience is going to be the foundation of your success.

“It starts with insights. It means at any given moment, understanding what the hot topics are with our readers. How do they respond to our content?” she says. “Each reader at Washington Post has a story of how they interact with a story. The ultimate measure of reaching readers is how they take action. Data is more important than ever. At any given time, our creativity was informed by hard numbers.”

We’ll have more about Reset, Reinvent, Revenue 2021 in coming weeks.

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Eye on EXCELlence

At the Eye on EXCELlence session, we’ll be celebrating two of our accomplished EXCEL award-winning entries. Featuring the representatives from the submitting associations, you’ll hear from a select group of industry panelists, who will highlight the factors that put these two entries over the top to become award-winners, and helped the organization to succeed in its goals. This favorited session returns for the fourth year and is both fun and informative.

You must log in to watch the video.

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Revenue Health: Why the Content and Business Development Team Partnership Matters

Revenue strategy and content strategy now coexist in business. As associations evolve beyond the pandemic, evaluating the potential the media/bd partnership has for their audiences will be critical for growth. Content and connection offer the most important resources for membership and industry to collaborate and drive revenue. Learn how to accelerate this important partnership, and why it matters to your organization’s revenue health.

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Publishing in 2021 and Beyond

This panel of association publishing professionals will share challenges, lessons, and opportunities related to publishing during the pandemic and beyond. From 2020 and into 2021, we will explore media teams’ challenges as they continue to find opportunities or alternative publishing solutions.

This panel will explore the trends that have seen some traditional print publishers turn to digital in a bid to survive while others double down on their print publications. Join us for a robust discussion.


David Dancy
Director of Marketing & Web Services
American Public Works Association

Teresa Brinati
Director of Publishing
Society of American Archivists

Stephanie Holland
Director of Advertising Sales & Marketing
American Chemical Society

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